Source for



This site is built using Lektor. All changes to ( must be made here and deployed via lektor (see Deployment, below).

Code of Conduct

The Creative Commons team is committed to fostering a welcoming community. This project and all other Creative Commons open source projects are governed by our Code of Conduct. Please report unacceptable behavior to per our reporting guidelines.




Make sure you have pipenv, Node.js and npm installed. To install these, execute the following commands:

For macOS:

  1. brew install pipenv
  2. brew install node

For GNU/Linux:

  1. curl | python
  2. sudo apt update
  3. sudo apt install nodejs
  4. sudo apt install npm

Installing Project Requirements

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Open your command line interface and cd to the repository root directory.
  3. Run pipenv install to create a Python virtual environment and install the requirements for this project.

pipenv Troubleshooting

pipenv doesn't always provide the best error messages (Provide better error message if the project’s virtual environment is broken). If all else fails, try removing the virtual environment and reinstalling:

  1. pipenv --rm
  2. pipenv install


  • Run pipenv run lektor server -f webpack to start the Lektor development server.
  • You will be able to see the website at http://localhost:5000/.
    • The Lektor server will rebuild the site every time you change any content.


We have continuous deployment set up. To deploy, push your code to the master branch (or make a pull request against the master branch. GitHub Actions builds and deploys the site whenever it detects new commits on the master branch.

The GitHub Actions configuration is located at .github/workflows/lektor-build-deploy.yml.

Manual Deployment

⚠️ For reference only, you should not need to not do this.

When you are ready to deploy a new version of the site, run lektor deploy (assuming you have your GitHub SSH key already set up and you have access to the creativecommons/ repository). That's it, it's live on production!

Project Structure

Here's how the code is structured in the top level of the repository:

  • assets: This directory contains the JavaScript and CSS files for the project built via webpack. Most of the JavaScript and CSS is third-party code and loaded via CDN so this is pretty empty.
  • content: The content of the site lives here. Here's an explanation of how content works in Lektor. This is probably what you'll be modifying most often.
  • models: All content in Lektor is associated with data models to define their schema. Currently, we only use the default page model that ships with Lektor.
  • templates: This is where the Jinja2 templates that render content are stored. See the Lektor template documentation for more information.
  • webpack: This is where all the webpack config files as well as Sass and JavaScript files for the project resides. The JavaScript and Sass files are compiled and saved in the assets folder during lektor build process.

Lektor Plugins


  • /cc-vocabulary/ to
    • Added so that the will continue to work with that project moving to utilize Netlify.
  • /cc-vue-vocabulary to
    • Added so that the will continue to work with that project moving to utilize Netlify.
  • /cc-fonts to
    • Added so that the will continue to work with that project moving to utilize Netlify.




CC BY 4.0 license button

All the content within this repository is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise specified.

Font Awesome

This repository contains PNG icons that were converted from Font Awesome SVGs:

Font Awesome Free is free, open source, and GPL friendly. You can use it for commercial projects, open source projects, or really almost whatever you want. (Full Font Awesome Free license:

Icons: CC BY 4.0 License ( In the Font Awesome Free download, the CC BY 4.0 license applies to all icons packaged as SVG and JS file types.