
Ruby client for Druid

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A Ruby client for Druid. Includes a Squeel-like query DSL and generates a JSON query that can be sent to Druid directly.

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ruby-druid'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install ruby-druid


A query can be constructed and sent like so:

data_source = Druid::Client.new('zk1:2181,zk2:2181/druid').data_source('service/source')
query = Druid::Query::Builder.new.long_sum(:aggregate1).last(1.day).granularity(:all)
result = data_source.post(query)

The post method on the DataSource returns the parsed response from the Druid server as an array.

If you don't want to use ZooKeeper for broker discovery, you can explicitly construct a DataSource:

data_source = Druid::DataSource.new('service/source', 'http://localhost:8080/druid/v2')


A GroupByQuery sets the dimensions to group the data.

queryType is set automatically to groupBy.

Druid::Query::Builder.new.group_by([:dimension1, :dimension2])


A TimeSeriesQuery returns an array of JSON objects where each object represents a value asked for by the timeseries query.

Druid::Query::Builder.new.time_series([:aggregate1, :aggregate2])


longSum, doubleSum, count, min, max, hyperUnique

Druid::Query::Builder.new.long_sum([:aggregate1, :aggregate2])

In the same way could be used the following methods for aggregations adding: double_sum, count, min, max, hyper_unique


Druid::Query::Builder.new.cardinality(:aggregate, [:dimension1, dimension2], <by_row: true | false>)


For example calculation for sum(log(x)/y) + 10:

Druid::Query::Builder.new.js_aggregation(:aggregate, [:x, :y],
  aggregate: "function(current, a, b)      { return current + (Math.log(a) * b); }",
  combine:   "function(partialA, partialB) { return partialA + partialB; }",
  reset:     "function()                   { return 10; }"

Post Aggregations

A simple syntax for post aggregations with +,-,/,* can be used like:

query = Druid::Query::Builder.new.long_sum([:aggregate1, :aggregate2])
query.postagg { (aggregate2 + aggregate2).as output_field_name }

Required fields for the postaggregation are fetched automatically by the library.

Javascript post aggregations are also supported:

query.postagg { js('function(aggregate1, aggregate2) { return aggregate1 + aggregate2; }').as result }

Query Interval

The interval for the query takes a string with date and time or objects that provide an iso8601 method.

query = Druid::Query::Builder.new.long_sum(:aggregate1)
query.interval("2013-01-01T00", Time.now)

Result Granularity

The granularity can be :all, :none, :minute, :fifteen_minute, :thirthy_minute, :hour or :day.

It can also be a period granularity as described in the Druid documentation.

The period 'day' or :day will be interpreted as 'P1D'.

If a period granularity is specifed, the (optional) second parameter is a time zone. It defaults to the machines local time zone. i.e.

query = Druid::Query::Builder.new.long_sum(:aggregate1)

is (on my box) the same as

query = Druid::Query::Builder.new.long_sum(:aggregate1)
query.granularity('P1D', 'Europe/Berlin')

Having filters

# equality
Druid::Query::Builder.new.having { metric == 10 }
# inequality
Druid::Query::Builder.new.having { metric != 10 }
# greater, less
Druid::Query::Builder.new.having { metric > 10 }
Druid::Query::Builder.new.having { metric < 10 }

Compound having filters

Having filters can be combined with boolean logic.

# and
Druid::Query::Builder.new.having { (metric != 1) & (metric2 != 2) }
# or
Druid::Query::Builder.new.having { (metric == 1) | (metric2 == 2) }
# not
Druid::Query::Builder.new.having{ !metric.eq(1) }


Filters are set by the filter method. It takes a block or a hash as parameter.

Filters can be chained filter{...}.filter{...}

Base Filters

# equality
Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{dimension.eq 1}
Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{dimension == 1}
# inequality
Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{dimension.neq 1}
Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{dimension != 1}
# greater, less
Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{dimension > 1}
Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{dimension >= 1}
Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{dimension < 1}
Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{dimension <= 1}
# JavaScript
Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{a.javascript('dimension >= 1 && dimension < 5')}

Compound Filters

Filters can be combined with boolean logic.

# and
Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{dimension.neq 1 & dimension2.neq 2}
# or
Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{dimension.neq 1 | dimension2.neq 2}
# not

Inclusion Filter

This filter creates a set of equals filters in an or filter.


Geographic filter

These filters have to be combined with time_series and do only work when coordinates is a spatial dimension GeographicQueries

Druid::Query::Builder.new.time_series().long_sum([:aggregate1]).filter{coordinates.in_rec [[50.0,13.0],[54.0,15.0]]}
Druid::Query::Builder.new.time_series().long_sum([:aggregate1]).filter{coordinates.in_circ [[53.0,13.0], 5.0]}

Exclusion Filter

This filter creates a set of not-equals fitlers in an and filter.


Hash syntax

Sometimes it can be useful to use a hash syntax for filtering for example if you already get them from a list or parameter hash.

Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{dimension => 1, dimension1 =>2, dimension2 => 3}
# which is equivalent to
Druid::Query::Builder.new.filter{dimension.eq(1) & dimension1.eq(2) & dimension2.eq(3)}


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