
New enhanced replacement for variants of printf() - very suitable to embedded system

Primary LanguageC


Replacement for variants of printf() - optimized for embedded system

Key features:

Does not do ANY dynamic memory allocation.
All functions are fully re-entrant.
Minimal stack usage, only absolute minimum size (based on specific format being processed) allocated.
Size can be scaled down by excluding support for various formats at compile time.


Numeric output scaling, only with d, i, u, eE, fF, gG format specifiers
	#	Alt format scale value in SI steps with SI indicator based on thresholds
	'	If used with # selects 12?34 as opposed to 12.34? scaling format
		10^3=K  10^6=M  10^9=G  10^12=T  10^15=q  10^18=Q

Text center justify
	#	center string within field

Date and/or time output in POSIX or other formats.
D	date using pointer to tsz_t structure
T	time   "      "     "   "       "
Z	d+t+z  "      "     "   "       "
R	d+t  using U64 (uSec) value, support "%.?R" to control uSec display, 3 digits (mSec) default.
r	d+t  using U32 (Sec) value.
	!	change interpretation of uSec value as absolute->relative time
	#	select ALTernative (HTTP header style) format output
	+	enable TZ information

Hexdump (debug style) in byte, short, word or double word formats
Y	format specifier
	hh	Byte (8 bit)
	h	Short (16 bit)
	l	Word (32 bit)
	ll	DWord (64 bit)
	!	absolute -> relative address preceding each line of hexdump output.
	-	disable address preceding each line of output
	'	enable seperators between values using '|: -' on 32/16/8/4 bit boundaries
	+	enable display of ASCII characters at end of each line.
	PLEASE NOTE: Requires 2 parameters being LENGTH and POINTER

IP address output:
I	format specifier
	# 	alt format for big/little endian inversion.
	-	left alignment
	0	leading zero output
	Leading padding, none, space or zero through field width specifiers

MAC address output with optional UPPER/reverse/separator
M	format specifier.
	# 	alt format for sequence inversion.
	'	enable seperator character  ':' between bytes

BINARY format output
J	format specifier taking U32 or U64 value as input
	'	enable '|: -' seperator character for 32/16/8/4 bit boundaries

ANSI Set Graphics Rendition (SGR) support
C	format specifier, takes U32 as 4x U8 values

URL encoding format
U	format specifier

Valid formatting characters:

|||||||||\_/ab|c|defgh|ijkl|m|n|o pq|r|s|t|uvwx y|z
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*----> (z) UNUSED
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*---------> (Z) DTZone
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*------> (y) UNUSED
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*-----------> (Y) HEXDUMP values
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*--------> (Xx) Hex value UC/lc value
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*---------> (Ww) UNUSED
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*----------> (Vv) UNUSED
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*-----------> (u) Unsigned decimal number
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*------------> (U) UNUSED
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*-------------> (t) UNUSED
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*------------------> (T) Time uSec based
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||*---------------> (s) String null terminated ascii
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||*----------------> (S) String WIDE, not implemented
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||||||*-----------------> (r) UNUSED
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||*----------------------> (R) DateTime U64 uSec based
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||||*-------------------> (Qq) UNUSED
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||*--------------------> (p) Pointer address with (0x/0X) prefix
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||*---------------------> (P) UNUSED
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||*----------------------> (o) Octal value
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||*-----------------------> (O) UNUSED
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||||*------------------------> (n) number of chars output
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||*-------------------------> (N) UNUSED
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||*--------------------------> (m) error message/value
||||||||| | |||||||||||||||*-------------------------------> (M) MAC address UC/lc
||||||||| | ||||||||||||||*----------------------------> (Ll) UNUSED
||||||||| | |||||||||||||*-----------------------------> (Kk) UNUSED
||||||||| | ||||||||||||*------------------------------> (Jj) UNUSED
||||||||| | |||||||||||*-------------------------------> (i) Integer same as 'd'
||||||||| | ||||||||||*------------------------------------> (I)P address
||||||||| | |||||||||*---------------------------------> (Hh) UNUSED
||||||||| | ||||||||*----------------------------------> (Gg) FLOAT generic format
||||||||| | |||||||*-----------------------------------> (Ff) FLOAT fixed format
||||||||| | ||||||*------------------------------------> (Ee) FLOAT exponential format
||||||||| | |||||*-------------------------------------> (d) Decimal signed formatted long
||||||||| | ||||*------------------------------------------> (D) Date formatted
||||||||| | |||*---------------------------------------> (c) signed c8
||||||||| | ||*--------------------------------------------> (C) ANSI SGR Color support
||||||||| | |*-----------------------------------------> (Bb) unsigned binary
||||||||| | *------------------------------------------> (Aa) Hex float, not implemented !!!
||||||||| *--> field width specifiers
||||||||*----> FLOAT fractional field size separator
|||||||*-----> PAD0 enable flag
||||||*------> format specifier flag
|||||*-------> LEFT justification, HEXDUMP remove address info
||||*--------> SIGN leading '+' or '-',	DTZ=Add full TZ info, HEXDUMP add ASCII info
|||*---------> Minwid or precision variable provided
||*----------> Xxx=3 digits group, DTZ "::." -> "hms"	MAC/DUMP use '|-+'
|*-----------> AltForm: Values, DTZ, IP, STRing, DUMP,
*------------> Abs_Rel: DTZ=relative time, DUMP=relative addr

AltForm usage:
	Values		Scaling down in SI units to fit.
	DateTime		Sun, 10 Sep 2017 20:50:37 GMT
	IP addr		order for network <> host correction
	MAC addr		Use ':' seperator
	STRing		Center justified
	HexDump		Reverse Start <> End addresses


%'03llJ			- print binary representation, optional separator, llong & field width modifiers
%['!#+ll]{hlY}	- hexdump of memory area, USE 2 PARAMETERS FOR START and LENGTH
				  MUST NOT specify "*", ".", "*." or .*", this will screw up the parameter sequence
%[-0]I			- print IP address, justified left or right, pad 0 or ' '
%[']{M}			- prints MAC address, optional ':' separator
%[!#]D			- POSIX [relative/altform] date (1 parameter, pointer to tsz_t
%[!#]T			- POSIX [relative/altform] time
%[!#]Z			- POSIX [relative/altform] date, time & zone

Todo list:

Add modifier (and OPTIONAL value specifier) to indicate that pointer to ARRAY of values provided
If the modifier provided, but no counter, then the pointer to be used to meet the content requirements of the number of specifiers
If the value specifier provided, then use/increment the pointer, using the SAME FORMAT specifier, for the number of times specified.

What is NOT supported:

'a' or 'A'	treated as 'g' or 'G' DECIMAL not HEX format
'b' conversion specifier
'h' or 'hh' as applied to any specifiers
'l' as applied to 'cns' specifiers
'll' as applied to 'n' specifier
'L' as applied to 'eEfgG' to specify long double
'j' 't' or 'z' as applied to any specifiers	 
' '
locale, radix fixed to '.'
*n*th argument in the form of %n$

What is PARTIALLY supported:

'#' flag, not in 'oxXeEfgG' or '.' radix conversions