PT_Web_App_PTSchool is an ASP.NET Core MVC Web Application was created as a test project - for personal, educational purposes.
The main functionality of the web application is to facilitate the communication between the 3 main "sides" within a School Institution:
- the Parents (P),
- the Teachers (T)
- the Students (S)
=> #P-T-S-chool!
Parents(P) can:
- check their child's marks and notes and sign them
- receive code-red notifications for a poor mark or a note concerning inappropriate behavior
Teachers (T) can:
- add new marks to Students (S)
- add new notes to Students (S)
- create new Clubs
Students (S) can:
- apply for a Club
- communicate with each other (Student-To-Student)
- chat / send an email to a Teacher (T)
Extra functionalities included:
- SchoolChat! - a real-time platform that involves all participants in 1 mega-chat (SignalR web-socket connection)!
- SchoolCanvas! - a real-time canvas that can be used by anybody that has the need to express themselves and get noticed by others immediately.
If you have the urge to write a "KYP" and run away - this is your chance!
- TicTacToeGame - Join a TicTacToe room already created or Create one by yourself and wait for your buddy to join! Then play Tic Tac Toe! (SignalR web-socket connection)
- PTShooterGame - a-mouse-click-shooter with no page-reloading (vanilla JS only). Start with Health = 3, Gun Reload = 5 and you-shoot-them-or-they-shoot-you.