
Traditional tic-tac-toe game with Tkinter GUI

The game would be played by two players sitting together, as a traditional game of tic-tac-toe would be played, but without the paper. When the code is running, a window will pop up with the traditional nine box diagram. image

When the first player selects a box, an ‘A’ or an ‘D’ symbol will show and will represent player one. The second player will be represented by the alternative symbol. The window will show which symbol, or players, turn it is.

image image

The players will alternate turns, with their symbols showing up when they select a box to play. When a row of three of either symbol is created, whether horizontal or diagonal, a box will pop up that displays which symbol has won, and the game will reset automatically to be played again.

I got inspiration from a tutorial and a similar project, linked below.

https://www.codespeedy.com/tic-tac-toe-gui-in-python-using-tkinter/ https://github.com/abhishek305/Tic-Tac-Toe-Game-in-python-3-Tkinter/blob/master/my%20tic%20tac%202.py

#I will be adding onto the code making the interface a lot smoother and prettier. I will also make it so that one person can have the option of playing against the "computer" which will basically be a 1-9 random number generator