
Classification-based human evaluation on WMT 2015-2017 Metrics dataset



Original dataset


WMT15, WMT16 for training and development

Stored in the directory annot with filenames DAseg.newstest${year}.${type}.${lang}-en. The lines correspond to the counterparts provided in DAseg-wmt-newstest{2015,2016}.

The sentence IDs used for our development set are stored in data_split/dev.ids.

WMT17 for test

Soted in the directory annot with filenames DA-seglevel.newstest2017.${type}.${lang}-en. The lines correspond to the counterparts provided in wmt17-metrics-task-package/manual-evaluation/DA-seglevel.csv (please extract corresponding lines using language-pair identifiers like cs-en in the first column).