
Idea: You have one file (maybe $HOME/KNOW), which has this structure:

Some know how you want to keep.
You can have many lines in one block.
A block is separated with 3 or more dashes `-`, which must begin on the first column.
In your block, you can have any text you like including ------ or other stuff.
Clone a git repo:
git clone <git-url>
Many more entries, which can be multiple lines.
This contains block, but not xxx.

Write a tool with name know, which reads this file and searches for matching phrases.
E.g. you can search for block AND know like this (the order should not matter):

know block know

And you should only get the complete text between the 2 --- lines when all words do match in one block (Optional: allow regular expressions):

Some know how you want to keep.
You can	have many lines	in one block.
A block	is separated with 3 or more dashes `-`,	which must begin on the	first column.
In your block, you can have any text you like including ------ or other stuff.

A solution suggested by ChatGPT can be found here