
Workflows to run Github Actions

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Github Actions

Example Workflows to run Github Actions.

Google Cloud

Google Cloud App Engine

  1. gcloud-app-helidon-java.yml - Manual deploy a Helidon Application (uses Oracle Java 17) to Google App Engine.

    • Uses Google Cloud App Engine projet's Json Key. (Google Cloud console > IAM & Admin > Service Accounts > Select project's ellipsis > Manage Keys > Add Key > Create new keyt > Download the JSON)
    • Add this json as a Secret to Github repository (Repository > Settings > Secrets and variables > Secrets > Add Secret)


  1. firebase-hosting-manual-develop.yml - Manual deploy code (Angular) to Firebase app.

  2. firebase-hosting-pull-request-develop.yml - Auto deploy code (Angular) on a Pull Request on 'develop' branch.

  3. firebase-hosting-pull-request-main.yml - Auto deploy code (Angular) on a Pull Request to 'main' branch.

    • For all the above, uses Firebase Service Account and Github Token.

    • Firebase has certain process to link Fiurebase account with Github.

      • I used $ firebase login:ci that generates a Token, w=whihc can then be added to Github Repository as a secret.

Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean App

  1. digitalocean-app-nestjs.yml - Manual deploy code (Nest JS Framework) branch to Digital Ocean App.

    • Uses DigitalOcean's Access Token for the App.

Digital Ocean Droplet

  1. digitalocean-droplet-nestjs.yml - Manual deploy code (Nest JS Framework) branch to Digital Ocean droplet.

    • Uses Digital Oceam droplets' Private Key, Remote Host and Remote User.
    • Generate a private key on your computer. Uplaod that to DigitalOcena Droplet and to Github repository as a Secret (Repository > Settings > Secrets and variables > Secrets > Add Secret).