
Primary LanguagePython


A discord bot that adds interactive commands and economy to a server.

As the admin of a server, you can create, stop, end customized polls that users can bet.

Create an achievement store with roles that users can buy with earned points.


  1. Docker
  2. python 3.9.4 or anaconda

Setting up the project locally

Setting up env file:

  1. Create a file called .env in the root directory.
  2. Add the following key value pairs:
    • DISCORD_TOKEN={discord_token}. The discord token created in the discord dev portal.
    • DISCORD_GUILD={discord_guild}. The discord guild name.
    • DB_USERNAME={db_username}. The username to create when the db instance gets created.
    • DB_PASSWORD={db_password}. The password to create when the db instance gets created.
    • DB_HOST={db_host}. The db host, ideally or localhost since it will be running in the same instance as the bot.
    • DB_PORT={db_port}. The db port, ideally 27017 since it is MongoDB's default port.

Setting up python

If anaconda is installed:

  1. Run conda env create -f environment.yml in the root directory. This will install the required libraries and set up the environment.
  2. Run source activate poynt to activate the virtual environment.

If python 3.9.4 is installed:

NOTE: python command can be python3 or python3.9 depending on machine.

  1. Run python -m pip install virtualenv to install virtualenv library.
  2. Run python -m venv {env_name} where {env_name} is the name of the environment.
  3. Run source activate {env_name}/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment.
  4. Run pip -r install requirements.txt to install the required libraries.

Setting up MongoDB

  1. Run docker-compose build to download an image of MongoDB and setup the settings.
  2. Run mkdir db or create a directory called db so the docker container can hook it as a volume. This will be the directory where the db stores the files.

Running the project locally

After following through the setup part, run the following:

  1. Run docker-compose up -d to start the container containing the MongoDB instance.
  2. Run python bot.py to start the discord bot.
  3. Once the following is running, the following message should appear to the console:
    • {discord_guild} has connected to Discord!
  4. Now add the discord bot application to a server, using the authorization url.
  5. Type $help to learn about the commands and play with the bot.

Link to bot

Add bot to your server
