
It's ADO.NET wrapper for convenient access of SQL server database using c#.

Primary LanguageC#


An ADO.NET wrapper for convenient access of SQL server database using c#


The solution contains two projects. there are "wrapper_for_sqlclient" and "wrapper_for_sqlclient.data". The first is the main thing in the decision. From there the solution starts. This is a webAPI project in which a connection to a database is configured, services, repositories and the wrapper itself are registered. The second project organizes all work with the database.


The appsettings.json file in the main project specifies the database connection string.

"ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "Data Source=server; Initial Catalog=database; User Id=user; Password=password"

Stored procedures or query string

Stored procedures are specified as follows:

await Sql.New("spSelectNews")
    .AddIn("id", id)

But you can also specify the query string in the code.

await Sql.New(@"SELECT id, title, body, date_create FROM News WHERE @id is null or id = @id ORDER BY id DESC", System.Data.CommandType.Text)
    .AddIn("id", id)

Input parameters

Input parameters to stored procedures or queries are specified through the AddIn parameter.

await Sql.New("spSelectNews")
    .AddIn("id", id)

You can also pass the model as User-Defined Table Types described in the SqlEnumerableConverterFactory.


There are three types of output from a query such as:

  • Execute: execute only, no data is returned;
  • Get: get a string or value;
  • Select: get multiple strings or values.