
Instructions for How preparing Linux For CHUWI HiBook Pro support.

Linux For CHUWI HiBook Pro

Linux For CHUWI HiBook Pro


Please, come back soon.


  • Manufacturer: CHUWI

  • Model: HiBook Pro

  • Motherboard: Hampoo, Cherry Trail CR (I1D6_C109K)

  • CPU: Intel(R) Atom(TM) x5-Z8300 CPU @ QUAD 1.44GHz

  • GPU: Intel graphics, 2013 VVX10T022N00 (2560x1600px, 16:9, IPS, 10-Point Touch)

  • RAM: 4 GB, ECC, DIMM DDR3 1066 MHz (0.9 ns)

  • ROM: eMMC SanDisk DF4064 29217F72 (64 GB ROM) + up to 128 GB microSD

  • Wi-Fi: Realtek RTL8723BS SDIO

  • Bluetooth: BCM2E7B

  • Audio: Realtek I2S Audio Codec, Intel SST Audio (WDM)

  • cameras: OV2680 (front), OV8858 (rear)

  • Sensors:

  • Capella Micro CM3218x Ambient Light Sensor

  • Bosh Accelerometer


  • OS: Debian 9
  • Desktop Environment: Gnome 3

Adding Support For RTL8723BS (Wi-Fi)

Compile and install this drivers.


Adding Support For Audio

BIOS configuration (NOT WORK!!!)

  1. Go to BIOS
  2. Select Chipset Tab
  3. Select South Bridge
  4. Select LPSS & SCC Configuration
  5. Select SCC SDIO Support and change from ACPI Mode to PCI Mode
  6. Exit with save changes

Adding Touch Screen Support

  1. Install the xserver-xorg-input-evdev package
  2. Append following config block to /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (create the file if it is not exists before)
Section "InputClass"
	Identifier "evdev tablet catchall"
	MatchIsTablet "on"
	MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
	Driver "evdev"

Solution 2

Useful packages

  • okular - screen reader for PDF, ebooks, with touch scrolling support
  • xournal - support for stylus with draw and eraser functions
  • xserver-xorg-input-wacom - Wacom tablet support for Xorg
  • xserver-xorg-input-multitouch - for multi-touch input
  • Grab and Drag - add-ons for Firefox or Iceweasel
  • touchegg - gesture

Virtual Keyboard

Keyboard auto hide word completion transparency handwrite
GOK yes yes no no
Florence yes no yes no
Onboard no no no no
XVKBD no yes no no
Caribou ??? ??? ??? no
CellWriter ??? ??? ??? yes