
Infix to prefix transformer for R6RS Scheme implementations

Primary LanguageSchemeGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



  1. Introduction
  2. License
  3. Usage
  4. Testing
  5. Installing
  A. Credits
  B. Bug reports
  C. Resources

1. Introduction

This  package   is  a   distribution  of   libraries  for   R6RS  Scheme
implementations;  it  provides  the   INFIX  macro  which  converts  the
traditional infix  notation for  expressions to the  equivalent Scheme's
prefix notation.

  The  library  has no  dependencies;  the  implementation itself  is  a
single, definitive, kill'em all DEFINE-SYNTAX  form with the addition of
a few auxiliary syntaxes.

  The library  attempts to  support Guile,  Larceny, Mosh,  Petite Chez,
Racket, Sagittarius, Vicare and Ypsilon.

2. License

Copyright (c) 2010, 2012 Marco Maggi <marco.maggi-ipsu@poste.it>
Copyright (c) 2008 Derick Eddington
Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Dominique Boucher
Copyright (C) 2000 The Free Software Foundation.

This program is free software: you  can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the  terms of the GNU  General Public License as  published by the
Free Software Foundation,  either version 3 of the License,  or (at your
option) any later version.

This program  is distributed  in the  hope that it  will be  useful, but
WITHOUT   ANY   WARRANTY;  without   even   the   implied  warranty   of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy  of the GNU General Public License along
with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

3. Usage

To use the library just import (infix infix) and use the INFIX macro: it
expands  to a  prefix  expression to  be evaluated  at  runtime, in  the
lexical  context of  the  macro  use; as  a  special  case "(infix)"  is
equivalent to "(values)".

  The macro allows us to evaluate forms like:

    (let ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))

      (infix cos (a) * tan (b) / c)
      ==> (/ (* (cos a) (tan b)) c)

      (infix (cos (a) * tan (b) / c))
      ==> (/ (* (cos a) (tan b)) c)

      (infix a ? b : c)
      ==> (if a b c)


  Some interpretation rules:

* Any Scheme value can be element of the input form.

* The following  infix operators are  supported; in order  of descending
  precedence from top  to bottom, operators on the same  line have equal

      bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right
      bitwise-and bitwise-ior bitwise-xor
      incr! decr!
      (unary +) (unary -)
      mod mod0
      * / div div0
      + -
      < > <= >= = eq? eqv? equal?
      and or xor

  remember that  the Scheme comparison  operators are meant to  return a
  boolean value, rather than a number object.

* All  the operators  are left-associative  with the  exception of  EXPT
  which is  right-associative and of the  unary +, -, incr!,  decr!, not
  and bitwise-not which are non-associative:

      ;; left-associative
      (infix 10 - 5 - 3) ==> (- (- 10 5) 3)
      (infix 10 - 5 - 3) ==> (- 10 5 3)
      (infix 10 / 5 / 3) ==> (/ (/ 10 5) 3)
      (infix 10 / 5 / 3) ==> (/ 10 5 3)

      ;; right-associative
      (infix 10 expt 5 expt 3) ==> (expt 10 (expt 5 3))

* The  following  operators for  fixnums  are  supported with  the  same
  precedence of the corresponding generic operators:

      fx+		fx-
      fxdiv		fxdiv0
      fxmod		fxmod0
      fx<?		fx>?
      fx<=?		fx>=?

      fxand		fxior
      fxxor		fxnot

  All the  operators are  left-associative with  the exception  of FXNOT
  which is non-associative:

      (infix 10 fx- 5 fx- 3)	 ==> (fx- (fx- 10 5) 3)
      (infix 10 fxdiv 5 fxdiv 3) ==> (fxdiv (fxdiv 10 5) 3)

* The  following  operators for  flonums  are  supported with  the  same
  precedence of the corresponding generic operators:

      fl+		fl-
      fl*		fl/
      fl<?		fl>?
      fl<=?		fl>=?

  All the  operators are left-associative  with the exception  of FLEXPT
  which is right-associative:

      ;; left-associative
      (infix 10. fl- 5. fl- 3.)		==> (fl- (fl- 10. 5.) 3.))
      (infix 10. fl- 5. fl- 3.)		==> (fl- 10. 5. 3.))
      (infix 10. fl/ 5. fl/ 3.)		==> (fl/ (fl/ 10. 5.) 3.))
      (infix 10. fl/ 5. fl/ 3.)		==> (fl/ 10. 5. 3.))

      ;; right-associative
      (infix 10 expt 5 expt 3)		==> (expt 10 (expt 5 3))
      (infix 10. flexpt 5. flexpt 3.)	==> (flexpt 10. (flexpt 5. 3.))

* INCR! and DECR! are unary operators that can be applied to expressions
  both in prefix and suffix positions.

  When applied in prefix position to an identifier, INCR! expands to:

      (infix incr! ?id) ==> (begin (set! ?id (+ ?id 1)) ?id)

  and DECR! expands to:

      (infix decr! ?id) ==> (begin (set! ?id (- ?id 1)) ?id)

  When applied in suffix position to an identifier, INCR! expands to:

      (infix ?id incr!) ==> (let ((v ?id)) (set! ?id (+ ?id 1)) v)

  and DECR! expands to:

      (infix ?id decr!) ==> (let ((v ?id)) (set! ?id (- ?id 1)) v)

  When applied to a non-identifier expression, both in prefix and suffix
  position, INCR! expands to:

      (infix incr! ?expr) ==> (+ ?expr 1)
      (infix ?expr incr!) ==> (+ ?expr 1)

  and DECR! expands to:

      (infix decr! ?expr) ==> (- ?expr 1)
      (infix ?expr decr!) ==> (- ?expr 1)

* The if-then-else statement  involves the special symbols  "?"  and ":"
  which  should  be free  identifiers.   This  statement has  the  least
  precedence of all.

* Identifiers  which  are  not  operators are  interpreted  as  variable
  references; if an  identifier is followed by a list,  it is a function

* Function calls with one or more  arguments require the arguments to be
  grouped  in a  list; there  is  no special  separator in  the list  of

    (define (fun a b c)
      (+ a b c))

    (infix fun (1 2 3)) ==> (fun 1 2 3)

  Notice that grouping the function arguments in a list is a requirement
  of the infix expression grammar.

* Numbers and all the other values are just put there as operands.

* As a special exception: the binding BEGIN from (rnrs) is recognised in
  the input form and allows us to nest prefix-notation expressions.

    (infix (begin (+ 1 2))) => 3

    (infix (begin
             (let ((a 3))
               (/ a 4))))
    => 3/4

    (let ((a 3))
      (infix (begin (/ a 4))))
    => 3/4

    (let ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
      (infix (1 + a ? (begin
                        (+ 2 b))
                    : 3 + c - 4))
      ==> (if (+ 1 a)
              (begin (+ 2 b))
            (- (+ 3 c) 4))

* The following binding aliases are exported by the library:

      and				-> &&
      or				-> !!
      xor				-> ^^
      not				-> ~~
      mod				-> %
      bitwise-and			-> &
      bitwise-ior			-> !
      bitwise-xor			-> ^
      bitwise-not			-> ~
      bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left	-> <<
      bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right	-> >>
      fxand				-> fx&
      fxior				-> fx!
      fxxor				-> fx^
      fxnot				-> fx~
      fxarithmetic-shift-left		-> fx<<
      fxarithmetic-shift-right		-> fx>>

4. Testing

The included Makefile provides a "test" rule which attempts to run tests
with all the supported Scheme  implementations.  In detail the following
rules are defined:

  gtest - Run tests with Guile
  ltest - Run tests with Larceny
  mtest - Run tests with Mosh
  ptest - Run tests with Petite Chez
  rtest - Run tests with Racket
  stest - Run tests with Sagittarius
  vtest - Run tests with Vicare
  ytest - Run tests with Ypsilon

5. Installing

There is no  "install" rule in the Makefile, sorry.   We have to install
the library by hand with commands like the following:

   cd <top of infix tree>
   install -d $infixdir
   install infix/infix.sls $infixdir

A. Credits

The library  is the work  of Marco Maggi, the  code is derived  from the
Nausicaa/Scheme distribution  of libraries.  The only  way to regenerate
the parser table is to build it  in Nausicaa/Scheme and copy it into the
library here.

  The parser table and the general concept of the package is a rework of
Guile-Arith  by Ian  Grant.   The  parser driver  is  from the  Lalr-scm
package by Dominique  Boucher, the parser table is  also generated using
Lalr-scm.  The implementation of XOR is by Derick Eddington.

B. Bug reports

Bug  reports  are  appreciated,  send  them  by  email  to  Marco  Maggi
<marco.maggi-ipsu@poste.it> or use the project's Issue tracker:


C. Resources

The last revision of this package can be downloaded from:


The R6RS documents are available at:


Guile Scheme can be downloaded from:


Larceny Scheme can be downloaded from:


Mosh Scheme can be downloaded from:


Petite Chez Scheme can be downloaded from:


Racket can be downloaded from:


Sagittarius Scheme can be downloaded from:


Ypsilon Scheme can be downloaded from:


Vicare Scheme can be downloaded from:


the home page of the Nausicaa project is at:


the  latest   version  of  the  Nausicaa   packages  can  be
downloaded from:


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