Sagittarius Twitter API library =============================== This library provides an interface to Twitter APIs using OAuth authentication. Sagittarius Scheme version 0.3.3 or later required. How to install -------------- The library requires CMake version 2.8.4 or later to install. If you install Sagittarius Scheme manually, your environment has required CMake. Type following command. $ cmake . $ make install Preparation ----------- You must register your application at The registration step is described on the site. Next step is to abtain the access token to use Twitter APIs. This package provides convenient script to do it. Run the following command; $ sash twitauth.scm The script shows the following message,then type your consumer token and secret. Enter consumer key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Enter consumer secret: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Then it shows this message, then copy the URL to your browser and type the pin code. Open the following url and type in the shown PIN. Input PIN: XXXXXXXX Finally you will get the access token. ( (consumer-key "XXX..consumer key..XXX") (consumer-secret "XXX..consumer secret..XXX") (access-token "XXX..access token..XXXX") (access-token-secret "XXX..access token secret ..XXX") ) Using Twitter APIs ------------------ Now you are ready to tweet. Following example tweet something. (define *cred* (make-twitter-credential "XXX..consumer key..XXX" "XXX..consumer secret..XXX" "XXX..access token..XXX" "XXX..access token secret..XXX")) (twitter-update/sxml *cred* "buzz buzz buzz") Provided APIs ------------- The APIs which have suffix either '/json' or '/sxml' are the wrapper APIs of Twitter APIs. The '/json' suffixed ones return the object parsed by 'json-read'. The others return the SXML. All suffixed APIs can take optional arguments which are passed to 'call/twitter-api' procedure. Most of the keyword arguments work the same as Twitter API. For more details, see Twitter API documents. [Function] (make-twitter-credential consumer-key consumer-secret access-token access-token-secret) Creates an access token. This procedure is a thin wrapper for make-access-token in (net oauth). [Function] (twitter-public-timeline/json :key (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-public-timeline/sxml :key (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieve public timeline. [Function] (twitter-home-timeline/json token :key (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (count #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-rts #f) (include-entities #f) (exclude-replies #f) (contributor-details #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-home-timeline/sxml token :key (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (count #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-rts #f) (include-entities #f) (exclude-replies #f) (contributor-details #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves home timeline. [Function] (twitter-friends-timeline/json token :key (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (count #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-rts #f) (include-entities #f) (exclude-replies #f) (contributor-details #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-friends-timeline/sxml token :key (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (count #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-rts #f) (include-entities #f) (exclude-replies #f) (contributor-details #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves friends timeline. [Function] (twitter-mentions/json token :key (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (count #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-rts #f) (include-entities #f) (contributor-details #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-mentions/sxml token :key (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (count #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-rts #f) (include-entities #f) (contributor-details #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves mentions. [Function] (twitter-retweeted-by-me/json token :key (screen-name #f) (id #f) (count #f) (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-retweeted-by-me/sxml token :key (screen-name #f) (id #f) (count #f) (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves retweets retweeted by 'screen-name' user or 'id' user. Note: Twitter requires one of the above parameters. [Function] (twitter-retweeted-to-me/json token :key (count #f) (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-retweeted-to-me/sxml token :key (count #f) (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieved retweets retweeted to authenticated user. [Function] (twitter-retweets-of-me/json token :key (count #f) (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-retweets-of-me/sxml token :key (count #f) (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves retweets retweeted to authenticated user. [Function] (twitter-retweeted-by-user/json token :key (screen-name #f) (id #f) (count #f) (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-retweeted-by-user/sxml token :key (screen-name #f) (id #f) (count #f) (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves retweets retweeted by specified 'screeen-name' user or 'id' user. [Function] (twitter-retweeted-to-user/json token :key (screen-name #f) (id #f) (count #f) (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-retweeted-to-user/sxml token :key (screen-name #f) (id #f) (count #f) (since-id #f) (max-id #f) (page #f) (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves retweets retweeted to specified 'screeen-name' user or 'id' user. [Function] (twitter-show/json token id :key (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-show/sxml token id :key (trim-user #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves the result of "/1/statuses/show/{id}". [Function] (twitter-update/json token message :key (in-reply-to-status-id #f) (lat #f) (long #f) (place-id #f) (display-coordinates #f) (include-entities #f) (trim-user #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-update/sxml token message :key (in-reply-to-status-id #f) (lat #f) (long #f) (place-id #f) (display-coordinates #f) (include-entities #f) (trim-user #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Post the message to Twitter. [Function] (twitter-destroy/json token id :key (include-entities #f) (trim-user #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-destroy/sxml token id :key (include-entities #f) (trim-user #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Delete the message specified 'id'. [Function] (twitter-retweeted-by/json token id :key (count #f) (page #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-retweeted-by/sxml token id :key (count #f) (page #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves the result of "/1/statuses/{id}/retweeted_by". [Function] (twitter-retweet/json token id . opts) (twitter-retweet/sxml token id . opts) Retweets specified message id message. [Function] (twitter-retweets/json token id :key (count #f) (page #f) (stringify-ids #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-retweets/sxml token id :key (count #f) (page #f) (stringify-ids #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves the result of "/1/statuses/retweets/{id}". [Function] (twitter-retweeted-by-ids/json token id :key (count #f) (page #f) (stringify-ids #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-retweeted-by-ids/sxml token id :key (count #f) (page #f) (stringify-ids #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves the result of "/1/statuses/{id}/retweeted_by/ids". [Function] (twitter-user-show/json token user-id screen-name :key (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-user-show/sxml token user-id screen-name :key (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) token can be #f. Retrieves the result of "/1/users/show". [Function] (twitter-user-lookup/json token :key (user-id #f) (screen-name #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-user-lookup/sxml token :key (user-id #f) (screen-name #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) token can be #f. Retrieves the result of "/1/users/lookup". [Function] (twitter-user-search/json token q :key (page #f) (per-page #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-user-search/sxml token q :key (page #f) (per-page #f) (include-entities #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves the result of "/1/users/search". [Function] (twitter-followers-ids/json token :key (user-id #f) (screen-name #f) (cursor #f) (stringify-ids #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-followers-ids/sxml token :key (user-id #f) (screen-name #f) (cursor #f) (stringify-ids #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves the result of "/1/followers/ids". [Function] (twitter-friends-ids/json token :key (user-id #f) (screen-name #f) (cursor #f) (stringify-ids #f) :allow-other-keys opts) (twitter-friends-ids/sxml token :key (user-id #f) (screen-name #f) (cursor #f) (stringify-ids #f) :allow-other-keys opts) Retrieves the result of "/1/friends/ids". Low level API ------------- If the library does not provide the APIs you want to use, you can call Twitter APIs directly with this procedure. [Function] (call/twitter-api token method path params :key (secure? #f) (type 'xml) (error-handler default-error-handler) :allow-other-keys opts) Arguments: token must be access-token or #f. path must be string and representing Twitter API path name without extension. params must be a list (can be '()). Keyword arguments: secure?: if this keyword is specified the procedure uses https protocol. type : the Twitter API type. This must be either 'xml or 'json. error-handler: error handling procedure. This must accept 4 arguments, body, header, hint and advice. body is the raw response from twitter. header is a list of response header. hint and advice are the value of 'oauth_problem' or 'oauth_problem_advice' respectively if the response provides it, otherwise #f. The optional argument opts will be additional headers to be sent. Call and retrive the given Twitter API.