
A simple script for publishing and releasing Lerna monorepo projects via CI/CD pipeline

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A script for integrating lerna projects with Travis CI/CD.


Install using

# If using npm
npm install -D @k88/lerna-travis

# If using yarn
yarn add -D @k88/lerna-travis


Add the following scripts to your package.json's scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "release:alpha": "lerna-travis-release alpha && git push --tags",
    "release:beta": "lerna-travis-release beta && git push --tags",
    "release:public": "lerna-travis-release public && git push --tags",
    "publish": "lerna-travis-publish"

It is recommended to use this script with release-it (see below for more details). If so, use the following scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "release:alpha": "npm run release alpha $1",
    "release:beta": "npm run release beta $1",
    "release:public": "npm run release public $1",
    "release": "lerna-travis-release $1 $2",
    "postrelease": "dotenv release-it -- $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | cut -c 2-) --ci",
    "publish": "lerna-travis-publish"


The release:* scripts are invoked from your local machine; it will create a release tag and push the changes up.

At this point, your CI/CD pipeline should be configured to run to invoke the publish script that would then perform the following tasks:

  1. Check publish version (see below for more detail)
  2. Removes all dist/lib/node_modules directory
  3. Performs a fresh npm install
  4. Runs npm run lint
  5. Runs npm run test
  6. Runs npm run build
  7. Publishes the packages

Publish types

This script safeguards performing public/beta/alpha publication based on:

  • public may only run on main branch
  • beta may only run on v\d-beta branch (i.e. v1-beta, v2-beta, v3-beta, etc)
  • alpha may only run on non-beta/non-publich branches

Distribution Tags

The following tags are published:

  • The public publish pushes a latest dist tag
  • The beta publish pushes a beta dist tag
  • The alpha publish pushes a alpha dist tag

Version bump

You can pass an optional patch/minor/major argument to change the version bump. By default, a patch is published. Some examples are:

# Publishes a patch beta
npm run release:beta

# Publishes a minor public
npm run release:public minor

Release It

This repo also provides some basic templating that you can use with release-it.

  1. Install the following: npm install auto-changelog dotenv-cli release-it --save-dev
  2. Create a .env file and add GITHUB_AUTH. You can generate a token by on GitHub
  3. Add a postrelease script dotenv release-it -- $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | cut -c 2-) --ci
  4. Create a .release-it.json and add the following:
  "git": {
      "tag": false,
      "requireCleanWorkingDir": false,
      "changelog": "npx auto-changelog --stdout --commit-limit false -u --handlebars-setup node_modules/@k88/lerna-travis/templates/releaseItHandlerbar.js --template https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ktalebian/lerna-travis/main/templates/changelog.hbs"
  "github": {
      "release": true,
      "tokenRef": "GITHUB_AUTH"
  "hooks": {
      "after:bump": "auto-changelog -v $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | cut -c 2-)"
  "npm": {
      "publish": false,
      "ignoreVersion": true

Setting up Travis

Generate an NPM token from your NPM profile and add it to Travis as NPM_TOKEN. Here is an example of your .travis.yml file:

language: node_js

  - '14'
  - '12'
  - '10'
  - 'node'
  - 'lts/*'

  - npm install --no-package-lock

  - npm run lint
  - run run test
  - npm run build

  - codecov --token="$CODECOV_TOKEN"

  - npm config set access public
  - npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.org
  - npm set //registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken "$NPM_TOKEN"

  provider: script
  script: "npm run publish"
  skip_cleanup: true
    tags: true
    branch: main
    node_js: '10'

  - main
  - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*$/