
Instructions to restrict the Zoom meetings you host to specific email domains.

Restricting Zoom Meetings to @ucla.edu Emails

You do not need a Pro account to do this. If you have a free account, it will ask you to put in your credit card details to access Account Settings but it won't charge you anything.

  1. Sign into the Zoom web portal.

  2. On the panel to the left, click Account Management underneath the "ADMIN" section.

  3. In the drop-down menu that expands, select Account Settings.

  4. You should now see three tabs on the main page named "Meeting", "Recording", and "Telephone". Ensure that the Meeting tab is selected.

  5. Scroll down slightly to the 7th setting on the page named Only Authenticated users can join meetings.

  6. Click on the switch to the right to turn on the feature. If a dialog box appears, select Turn on.

  7. You should now see an Add Configuration button appear underneath. Click on it to open another dialog box that we will use to specify the domains we'd like to have access to the meeting.

  8. The first text field asks for a name. You can put whatever you'd like, but I'd suggest "UCLA Users" or "UCLA Students" or something similar.

  9. Click on the second field to open a drop-down menu, then select Sign in to Zoom with specified domains.

  10. In the textbox that appears, enter ucla.edu,g.ucla.edu (comma-separated list defining the domains you'd like to restrict your meetings to. The email associated with a user's account must end in one of values to be able to enter the meeting. If it doesn't, Zoom prompts them to sign in with a different account.)

  11. Verify that the dialog box looks like the following image, then press Save.

    You should now see your configuration added underneath "Meeting Authentication Options".

  12. Finally, click on the lock icon to ensure the authentication settings are enforced. In the dialog box that appears, press Lock.

  13. All set! 🎉🎉