
Build the sample-app into a Docker image.

Install and run

First, clone the git repo:

git clone sample-docker-deploy

You will need a copy of Python 3 installed (tested with 3.5.0). Then install using Buildout. The Python script will install a copy of the build tool Buildout in the local bin directory:

cd sample-docker-deploy

This will generate the script at:


Run this script to generate Docker images. The script takes an argument that matches an existing tag in the sample-app git repo:

./bin/create_docker_image 1.0
./bin/create_docker_image 1.1
./bin/create_docker_image 1.2

Run a generated Docker image with the following command:

docker run -d -p 80:80 -t sample-app:1.1 /usr/sbin/apachectl -D FOREGROUND

To view the web application visit http://localhost:80/app or if running on Docker Machine on Mac OS X or Windows you first need to get the IP address of the virtual machine hosting the docker containers:

docker-machine ip

Then enter that IP address in your web browser and append /app to the URL.

Note that the -t switch refers to a Docker image in the : format. When an container is running, it will need to be stopped before a new container can be run (or multiple containers can run simultaneously by adjusting the network pots they bind to).

To display a list of running Docker containers run 'docker ps':

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                NAMES
903653e5d6de        sample-app:1.1      "/usr/sbin/apachectl "   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>80/tcp   awesome_carson

A running Docker container is given a name for convenience. Stop the container wtih the kill sub-command and the name:

$ docker kill awesome_carson

##Using build ids

The create_docker_image takes a second optional argument, a build id. This can be used to reference different configurations built from the same release of the sample-app project. For example, different versions of the underlying Pyramid web framework can be deployed. The file at images\requirements.txt contains a list of the specific versions of every library in the project. Edit this file to change the library versions, then run the command with a build_id argument:

./bin/create_docker_image 1.2 extra_name_or_id

When a build id is used it will commit the changes to the config in the images directory and create a tag of these changes.

##Additional Docker notes

To start a shell from an image run:

docker run -i -t sample-app:1.1 /bin/bash