CreditCardValidation is a command line program, as well as an elixir library, to find out whether a Credit Card is valid, and its type.
So far it only checks among the types: MasterCard, VISA, Discover and AMEX.
Add credit_card_validation
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:credit_card_validation, git: "", tag: "v0.1.0"}}
There are two main functions you can call to evaluate your credit cards:
CreditCardValidation.CardType.get_type(credit_card) # it will tell you the type of credit card
CreditCardValidation.Luhn.is_valid?(credit_card) # it will tell you if the credit card is valid
Pass them the credit card as string to make them work.
You can also use the module CreditCardValidation
, which is a GenServer, and will evaluate and save your validations as state.
CreditCardValidation.start_link() # Will start the GenServer
CreditCardValidation.validate_credit_card(credit_card) # Will evaluate and save every credit card you pass
CreditCardValidation.get_validations() # You can get all the credit cards that you have evaluated so far
# The format that get_validations() return is
{"4111111111111111", {:ok, "Visa"}, true},
{"4111111111111", {:ok, "Visa"}, false},
{"4012888888881882", {:error, "Unknown"}, false}
# Every element of the list contains a tuple, being the first element the credit card, the second one the type (a tuple with :ok or :error and the type), and the last one a boolean for indicating if it's valid or not.
Clone or download this repository. Unzip the file, and execute ./credit_card_validation
Follow the instructions, introducing one credit card per line, and exit
to finish.
You need Elixir as dependency, so make sure you have it in your system.
Run mix
for compiling the results given by the CLI