
Emergency kubernetes deployment of postfix

Primary LanguageShell


Emergency kubernetes deployment of postfix

This is a working deployment of postfix using sqlite as a backend to catch incoming mail, it can be deployed with regular docker, docker-compose (but you'll have to write the yml) or kubernetes.


  • Open port 25.

In kubernetes we just add this:

      - name: postfix
        containerPort: 25
        hostPort: 25
        protocol: TCP

The container takes the following environment vars:

  • Domain (your root domain, without mail. eg just "example.com")
  • Initial User
  • Initial Password

To add more users you'll need to either edit run.sh or add them using the following sqlite command on the container (you'll have to go into the container first, see below for the exec command)

sqlite3 /etc/postfix/postfix.sqlite

INSERT INTO mailbox ( username, password, name, maildir, domain, local_part ) VALUES ( '$NAME@$DOMAIN', '$PASS', '$NAME', '$DOMAIN/$NAME@$DOMAIN/', '$DOMAIN', '$NAME' );

Obviously remember to replace the vars...

Reading mail

You can read mail with mutt on the command line

  • Find the container (kubectl get pods)
  • Go into the container (kubectl exec -it postfix-..- -- bash)
  • Run mutt -f /var/spool/virtualmailboxes/example.com/bill@example.com (replace bill and example.com with your own username/domain)

Emergency Use Only

We needed a mail server up fast to retreive incoming email and store them for when we got our actual mail server back up and running... since we only had a kubernetes box we used that and something like this would have come in extremely handy. Hopefully it helps you too