
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Overview of the analysis

The purpose of this module challenge is to withdraw more information about temperature trends for the month of June for summer and December for winder time in Oahu to determine if opening the business is sustainable year-round.


Weather Analysis for June

June weather analysis is based on the total of 1700 observations between the year of 2010 and 2017. The temperature for June in Oahu is pretty constant throughout the entire month with the average temperature of 74.94F and very small margin of standar diviation. The statical data of maximum, minimum and average tempeature of June weather can been seen in the screen shot. The data shows that June weather in Oahu doesn't fluctate significaly.


Weather Analysis for December

Based on the analysis, the number of observation done for December is only 1500 counts between 2010 and 2017 period. It is less than June analysis which was 1700 total observations. It says there are certain number of data were missing for December weather analysis. However, the data are large enough to be presentative for this analysis. According to the analysis, the average temperature for December is 71.0F with also a very small standard deviation. The value of statistical temperature calculation can be seen in the screenshot below.



According to both June and December weather analysis, Oahu temperature pattern shows very steady trend throughout the entire year. However, there are two additional queries that we can include for weather collections. Temperature data seems to remain consistent about the same throughout the year but precipitation data may not. By including the precipitation data will help to understand the risks or any impacts on business's sustainability.

For the second query, we could find popular locations or cities based on the most active station location compared to the weather analysis patterns. Busy cities tend to attract more tourist and it will help with opening up a new business.