A place to learn more information about your favorite Star Wars characters, that will make you a Master of The Force.
AS A Star Wars fan, I WANT to know which movie I should watch next depending on the character I like, from one of the Star Wars movies, SO THAT I can watch a new movie that might be as good as Star Wars.
GIVEN THAT I have an interest in watching more films that feature my favorite Star Wars characters:
WHEN I choose a movie from the series,
THEN I get the option to choose a lightside character or a darkside character from that movie;
WHEN I choose a lightside character or a darkside character,
THEN I get a a list of trivia about that character;
WHEN I choose a lightside character or a darkside character,
THEN I get a recommendation for another film with that lightside character or darkside character that I can go watch.
We created an application that allows the user to choose a film from the Star Wars franchise (Episode 1-6) and is then show a picture of that character, a list of that characters vital stats, and a list of other films that have that character's name in the title. We used two APIs to get the information that we wish to display: OMDB and SWAPI.
Link to the deployed application
Nelly Lopez, Meera Kar, Alex Baumgartner, and Keegan Royal-Eisenberg worked on this application together. We used the documentation for the two APIs, and for Bulma CSS. We also used phind.com to help debug the code.
Tutorials used:
MIT License