
These are course materials from a Flipped Classroom Microscopy course taught to graduate students at UCSF in 2015. The course used lectures from iBiology, and labs run at the Nikon Imaging Center at UCSF.

Kurt Thorn was the instructor, with teaching assistants:

  • DeLaine Larsen
  • Beth Cimini
  • Jeffrey Alexander
  • Tatyana Makushok

There were 24 students in the course; they watched the videos indicated on the syllabus on their own time. The course met once a week for an hour and a half session to go through the discussion section problems in small groups, with teaching assistants providing suggestions and hints to the students when they had questions or were confused about the material. We ran two 2-3 hour lab sections with 12 students each where the students could work on the microscopes.

This material is licensed under a CC-BY-4.0 license.