When you wear this device, it makes you feel the environment colder by -probably- tricking your mind. To do this, it cools down your inner wrist at regular intervals by using a peltier module. When your inner wrist gets cooler, you actually feel the environment is cooler.
- 1x Wemos Lolin d1 mini
- Wemos d1 mini Protoboard Shield
- Battery charger and booster module (3.7v charging, 5V output)
- 3007 5V Fan. (I used this fan because of its form factor. But you can modify the fan_holder 3d files to fit different 30mm blower fans)
- 1x 18500 3.7v 1800mah Battery
- 1x 40x20mm 6v Peltier Module
- 1x IRF540N Mosfet
- 1x 150kΩ Resistor
- 1x 1kΩ Resistor
- Power switch
- 2mm screws
You need to set this circuit up, on a Wemos d1 mini protoboard shield. It's a bit tricky, I'll draw a proper printable pcb soon.
I learned about this cooling effect thanks to an old startup called Wristify (I think they are called Embr Labs now). I'd like to thank them for the inspiration. I made several devices like this over the years, but this one is working great!