
Simple automated backups of your WordPress powered website.

Primary LanguagePHP

=== BackUpWordPress === Contributors: humanmade, joehoyle, mattheu, tcrsavage, willmot, cuvelier Tags: back up, backup, backups, database, zip, db, files, archive, wp-cli, humanmade Requires at least: 3.3.3 Tested up to: 3.5 Stable tag: 2.1.3

Simple automated back ups of your WordPress powered website.

== Description ==

BackUpWordPress will back up your entire site including your database and all your files on a schedule that suits you.

= Features =

  • Manage multiple schedules.
  • Super simple to use, no setup required.
  • Uses zip and mysqldump for faster back ups if they are available.
  • Works in low memory, "shared host" environments.
  • Option to have each backup file emailed to you.
  • Works on Linux & Windows Server.
  • Exclude files and folders from your back ups.
  • Good support should you need help.
  • Translations for Spanish, German, Chinese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Lithuanian, Italian, Czech, Dutch, French, Basque.

= Help develop this plugin =

The BackUpWordPress plugin is hosted GitHub, if you want to help out with development or testing then head over to https://github.com/humanmade/backupwordpress/.

= Translations =

We'd also love help translating the plugin into more languages, if you can help then please contact support@hmn.md or visit http://translate.hmn.md/.

== Installation ==

  1. Install BackUpWordPress either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Sit back and relax safe in the knowledge that your whole site will be backed up every day.

The plugin will try to use the mysqldump and zip commands via shell if they are available, using these will greatly improve the time it takes to back up your site.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Where does BackUpWordPress store the backup files?

Backups are stored on your server in /wp-content/backups, you can change the directory.

Important: By default BackUpWordPress backs up everything in your site root as well as your database, this includes any non WordPress folders that happen to be in your site root. This does means that your backup directory can get quite large.

How do I restore my site from a backup?

You need to download the latest backup file either by clicking download on the backups page or via FTP. Unzip the files and upload all the files to your server overwriting your site. You can then import the database using your hosts database management tool (likely phpMyAdmin).

See this post for more details http://hmn.md/backupwordpress-how-to-restore-from-backup-files/.

Does BackUpWordPress back up the backups directory?


I'm not receiving my backups by email

Most servers have a filesize limit on email attachments, it's generally about 10mb. If your backup file is over that limit it won't be sent attached to the email, instead you should receive an email with a link to download the backup, if you aren't even receiving that then you likely have a mail issue on your server that you'll need to contact your host about.

How many backups are stored by default?

BackUpWordPress stores the last 10 backups by default.

How long should a backup take?

Unless your site is very large (many gigabytes) it should only take a few minutes to perform a back up, if your back up has been running for longer than an hour it's safe to assume that something has gone wrong, try de-activating and re-activating the plugin, if it keeps happening, contact support.

What do I do if I get the wp-cron error message

The issue is that your wp-cron.php is not returning a 200 response when hit with a http request originating from your own server, it could be several things, most of the time it's an issue with the server / site and not with BackUpWordPress.

Some things you can test are.

  • Are scheduled posts working? (They use wp-cron too).
  • Are you hosted on Heart Internet? (wp-cron is known not to work with them).
  • If you click manual backup does it work?
  • Try adding define( 'ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true ); to your wp-config.php`, do automatic backups work?
  • Is your site private (I.E. is it behind some kind of authentication, maintenance plugin, .htaccess) if so wp-cron won't work until you remove it, if you are and you temporarily remove the authentication, do backups start working?

If you have tried all these then feel free to contact support.

How to get BackUpWordPress working in Heart Internet

The script to be entered into the Heart Internet cPanel is: /usr/bin/php5 /home/sites/yourdomain.com/public_html/wp-cron.php (note the space between php5 and the location of the file). The file wp-cron.php chmod must be set to 711.

Further Support & Feedback

General support questions should be posted in the WordPress support forums, tagged with backupwordpress.

For development issues, feature requests or anybody wishing to help out with development checkout BackUpWordPress on GitHub.

You can also tweet @humanmadeltd or email support@hmn.md for further help/support.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Manage multiple schedules.
  2. Choose your schedule, backup type, number of backups to keep and whether to recieve a notification email.
  3. Easily manage exclude rules and see exactly which files are included and excluded from your backup.

== Changelog ==


  • Don't repeatedly try to create the backups directory in the uploads if uploads isn't writable.
  • Show the correct path in the warning message when the backups path can't be created.


  • Fix a regression in 2.1.2 that broke previewing and adding new exclude rules.


  • Fix an issue that could stop the settings panel from closing on save on servers which return '0' for ajax requests.
  • Fix an issue that could cause the backup root to be set to / on sites with site_url and home set to different domains.
  • The mysqldump fallback function will now be used if mysqldump produces an empty file.
  • Fix a possible PHP NOTICE on Apache servers.


  • Fix a possible fatal error when a backup schedule is instantiated outside of wp-admin.
  • Don't use functions from misc.php as loading it too early can cause fatal errors.
  • Don't hardcode an English string in the JS, use the translated string instead.
  • Properly skip dot files, should fix fatal errors on systems with open_basedir restrictions.
  • Don't call apache_mod_loaded as it caused wierd DNS issue on some sites, use global $is_apache instead.
  • Fix a possible double full stop at the end of the schedule sentence.
  • Minor code cleanup.


  • Stop blocking people with safe_mode = On from using the plugin, instead just show a warning.
  • Fix possible fatal error when setting schedule to monthly.
  • Fix issues with download backup not working on some shared hosts.
  • Fix issuses with download backup not working on sites with strange characters in the site name.
  • Fix a bug could cause the update actions to fire on initial activation.
  • Improved reliability when changing backup paths, now with Unit Tests.
  • Generate the lists of excluded, included and unreadable files in a more memory efficient way, no more fatal errors on sites with lots of files.
  • Bring back .htaccess protection of the backups directory on Apache servers with mod_rewrite enabled.
  • Prepend a random string to the backups directory to make it harder to brute force guess.
  • Fall back to storing the backups directoy in uploads if WP_CONTENT_DIR isn't writable.
  • Attempt to catch E_ERROR level errors (Fatal errors) that happen during the backup process and offer to email them to support.
  • Provide more granular status messages during the backup process.
  • Show a spinner next to the schedule link when a backup is running on a schedule which you are not currently viewing.
  • Improve the feedback when removing an exclude rule.
  • Fix an issue that could cause an exclude rule to be marked as default when it in-fact isn't, thus not letting it be deleted.
  • Add a line encouraging people to rate the plugin if they like it.
  • Change the support line to point to the FAQ before recommending they contact support.
  • Fix the link to the "How to Restore" post in the FAQ.
  • Some string changes for translators, 18 changed strings.


  • Fix possible warning on plugin activation if the sites cron option is empty.
  • Don't show the version warning in the help for Constants as that comes from the current version.


  • Re-setup the cron schedules if they get deleted somehow.
  • Delete all BackUpWordPress cron entries when the plugin is deactivated.
  • Introduce the HMBKP_SCHEDULE_TIME constant to allow control over the time schedules run.
  • Make sure the schedule times and times of previous backups are shown in local time.
  • Fix a bug that could cause the legacy backup schedule to be created on every update, not just when going from 1.x to 2.x.
  • Improve the usefulness of the wp-cron.php response code check.
  • Use the built in site_format function for human readable filesizes instead of defining our own function.


  • Revert the change to the way the plugin url and path were calculated as it caused regressions on some systems.


  • Fix issues with scheduled backups not firing in some cases.
  • Better compatibility when the WP Remote plugin is active alongside BackUpWordPress.
  • Catch and display more WP Cron errors.
  • BackUpWordPress now fails to activate on WordPress 3.3.2 and below.
  • Other minor fixes and improvements.


  • Only send backup failed emails if the backup actually failed.
  • Turn off the generic "memory limit probably hit" message as it was showing for too many people.
  • Fix a possible notice when the backup running filename is blank.
  • Include the wp_error response in the cron check.


  • Fix fatal error on PHP 5.2.


  • Ability to have multiple schedules with separate settings & excludes per schedule.
  • Ability to manage exclude rules and see exactly which files are included and excluded.
  • Fix an issue with sites with an open_basedir restriction.
  • Backups should now be much more reliable in low memory environments.
  • Lots of other minor improvements and bug fixes.


  • Updated and improved translations across the board - props @elektronikLexikon.
  • German translation - props @elektronikLexikon.
  • New Basque translation - props Unai ZC.
  • New Dutch translation - Anno De Vries.
  • New Italian translation.
  • Better support for when WordPress is installed in a sub directory - props @mattheu



  • Fix issue with backups being listed in reverse chronological order.
  • Fix issue with newest backup being deleted when you hit your max backups limit.
  • It's now possible to have backups sent to multiple email address's by entering them as a comma separated list.
  • Fix a bug which broke the ability to override the mysqldump path with HMBKP_MYSQLDUMP_PATH.
  • Use echo rather than pwd when testing shell_exec as it's supported cross platform.
  • Updated Spanish translation.
  • Fix a minor spelling mistake.
  • Speed up the manage backups page by caching the FAQ data for 24 hours.


  • Fix backup path issue with case sensitive filesystems.


  • Fix an issue with emailing backups that could cause the backup file to not be attached.
  • Fix an issue that could cause the backup to be marked as running for ever if emailing the backup FATAL error'd.
  • Never show the running backup in the list of backups.
  • Show an error backup email failed to send.
  • Fix possible notice when deleting a backup file which doesn't exist.
  • Fix possible notice on older versions of PHP which don't define E_DEPRECATED.
  • Make HMBKP_SECURE_KEY override-able.
  • BackUpWordPress should now work when ABSPATH is /.


  • Don't show warning message as they cause to much panic.
  • Move previous methods errors to warnings in fallback methods.
  • Wrap .htaccess rewrite rules in if mod_rewrite check.
  • Add link to new restore help article to FAQ.
  • Fix issue that could cause "not using latest stable version" message to show when you were in-fact using the latest version.
  • Bug fix in zip command check that could cause an incorrect zip path to be used.
  • Detect and pass MySQL port to mysqldump.


  • Don't fail archive verification for errors in previous archive methods.
  • Improved detection of the zip and mysqldump commands.
  • Fix issues when ABSPATH is /.
  • Remove reliance on SECURE_AUTH_KEY as it's often not defined.
  • Use warning() not error() for issues reported by zip, ZipArchive & PclZip.
  • Fix download zip on Windows when ABSPATH contains a trailing forward slash.
  • Send backup email after backup completes so that fatal errors in email code don't stop the backup from completing.
  • Add missing / to PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR define.
  • Catch and display errors during mysqldump.


  • Track PHP errors as backup warnings not errors.
  • Only show warning message for PHP errors in BackUpWordPress files.
  • Ability to dismiss the error / warning messages.
  • Disable use of PclZip for full archive checking for now as it causes memory issues on some large sites.
  • Don't delete "number of backups" setting on update.
  • Better handling of multibyte characters in archive and database dump filenames.
  • Mark backup as running and increase callback timeout to 500 when firing backup via ajax.
  • Don't send backup email if backup failed.
  • Filter out duplicate exclude rules.


  • Fix fatal error on PHP =< 5.3


  • Fixes issue with backups dir being included in backups on some Windows Servers.
  • Consistent handling of symlinks across all archive methods (they are followed).
  • Use .htaccess rewrite cond authentication to allow for secure http downloads of backup files.
  • Track errors and warnings that happen during backup and expose them through admin.
  • Fire manual backups using ajax instead of wp-cron, HMBKP_DISABLE_MANUAL_BACKUP_CRON is no longer needed and has been removed.
  • Ability to cancel a running backup.
  • Zip files are now integrity checked after every backup.
  • More robust handling of failed / corrupt zips, backup process now fallsback through the various zip methods until one works.
  • Use mysql_query instead of the depreciated mysql_list_tables.


  • Better handling of unreadable files in ZipArchive and the backup size calculation.
  • Support for wp-cli, usage: wp backup [--files_only] [--database_only] [--path<dir>] [--root<dir>] [--zip_command_path=<path>] [--mysqldump_command_path=<path>]


  • Better detection of zip command.
  • Don't delete user settings on update / deactivate.
  • Use ZipArchive if zip is not available, still falls back to PclZip if neither zip nor ZipArchive are installed.
  • Better exclude rule parsing, fixes lots of edge cases, excludes now pass all 52 unit tests.
  • Improved the speed of the backup size calculation.


  • Re-written core backup engine should be more robust especially in edge case scenarios.
  • 48 unit tests for the core backup engine, yay for unit tests.
  • Remove some extraneous status information from the admin interface.
  • Rename Advanced Options to Settings
  • New Constant HMBKP_CAPABILITY to allow the default add_menu_page capability to be changed.
  • Suppress possible filemtime warnings in some edge cases.
  • 3.3 compatability.
  • Set proper charset of MySQL backup, props valericus.
  • Fix some inconsistencies between the estimated backup size and actual backup size when excluding files.


  • 1.4 was incorrectly marked as beta.


  • Most options can now be set on the backups page, all options can still be set by defining them as Constants.
  • Russian translation, props valericus.
  • All dates are now translatable.
  • Fixed some strings which weren't translatable.
  • New Constant HMBKP_DISABLE_MANUAL_BACKUP_CRON which enable you to disable the use of wp_cron for manual backups.
  • Manual backups now work if DISABLE_WP_CRON is defined as true.


  • Spanish translation
  • Bump PHP version check to 5.2.4
  • Fallback to PHP mysqldump if shell_exec fails for any reason.
  • Silently ignore unreadable files / folders
  • Make sure binary data is properly exported when doing a mysqldump
  • Use 303 instead of 302 when redirecting in the admin.
  • Don't set_time_limit inside a loop
  • Use WordPress 3.2 style buttons
  • Don't pass an empty password to mysqldump


  • Check for PHP version. Deactivate plugin if running on PHP version 4.


  • Re-written back up engine, no longer copies everything to a tmp folder before zipping which should improve speed and reliability.
  • Support for excluding files and folders, define HMBKP_EXCLUDE with a comma separated list of files and folders to exclude, supports wildcards *, path fragments and absolute paths.
  • Full support for moving the backups directory, if you define a new backups directory then your existing backups will be moved to it.
  • Work around issues caused by low MySQL wait_timeout setting.
  • Add FAQ to readme.txt.
  • Pull FAQ into the contextual help tab on the backups page.
  • Block activation on old versions of WordPress.
  • Stop guessing compressed backup file size, instead just show size of site uncompressed.
  • Fix bug in safe_mode detection which could cause Off to act like On.
  • Better name for the database dump file.
  • Better name for the backup files.
  • Improve styling for advanced options.
  • Show examples for all advanced options.
  • Language improvements.
  • Layout tweaks.


  • Show live backup status in the back up now button when a back up is running.
  • Show free disk space after total used by backups.
  • Several langauge changes.
  • Work around the 1 cron every 60 seconds limit.
  • Store backup status in a 2 hour transient as a last ditch attempt to work around the "stuck on backup running" issue.
  • Show a warning and disable backups when PHP is in Safe Mode, may try to work round issues and re-enable in the future.
  • Highlight defined Constants.
  • Show defaults for all Constants.
  • Show a warning if both HMBKP_FILES_ONLY and HMBKP_DATABASE_ONLY are defined at the same time.
  • Make sure options added in 1.1.4 are cleared on de-activate.
  • Support mysqldump on Windows if it's available.
  • New option to have each backup emailed to you on completion. Props @matheu for the contribution.
  • Improved windows server support.


  • Fix a rare issue where database backups could fail when using the mysqldump PHP fallback if mysql.max_links is set to 2 or less.
  • Don't suppress mysql_connect errors in the mysqldump PHP fallback.
  • One time highlight of the most recent completed backup when viewing the manage backups page after a successful backup.
  • Fix a spelling error in the shell_exec disabled message.
  • Store the BackUpWordPress version as a Constant rather than a Variable.
  • Don't (float) the BackUpWordPress version number, fixes issues with minor versions numbers being truncated.
  • Minor PHPDoc improvements.


  • Attempt to re-connect if database connection hits a timeout while a backup is running, should fix issues with the "Back Up Now" button continuing to spin even though the backup is completed.
  • When using PCLZIP as the zip fallback don't store the files with absolute paths. Should fix issues unzipping the file archives using "Compressed (zipped) Folders" on Windows XP.


  • Fix a bug that stopped HMBKP_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_BACKUP from working.


  • Fix a possible max_execution_timeout fatal error when attempting to calculate the path to mysqldump.
  • Clear the running backup status and reset the calculated filesize on update.
  • Show a link to the manage backups page in the plugin description.
  • Other general fixes.


  • Remove the logging facility as it provided little benefit and complicated the code, your existing logs will be deleted on update.
  • Expose the various Constants that can be defined to change advanced settings.
  • Added the ability to disable the automatic backups completely define( 'HMBKP_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_BACKUP', true );.
  • Added the ability to switch to file only or database only backups define( 'HMBKP_FILES_ONLY', true ); Or define( 'HMBKP_DATABASE_ONLY', true );.
  • Added the ability to define how many old backups should be kept define( 'HMBKP_MAX_BACKUPS', 20 );
  • Added the ability to define the time that the daily backup should run define( 'HMBKP_DAILY_SCHEDULE_TIME', '16:30' );
  • Tweaks to the backups page layout.
  • General bug fixes and improvements.


  • Don't ajax load estimated backup size if it's already been calculated.
  • Fix time in backup complete log message.
  • Don't mark backup as running until cron has been called, will fix issues with backup showing as running even if cron never fired.
  • Show number of backups saved message.
  • Add a link to the backups page to the plugin action links.


Don't throw PHP Warnings when shell_exec is disabled


Minor bug fix release.

  • Suppress filesize() warnings when calculating backup size.
  • Plugin should now work when symlinked.
  • Remove all options on deactivate, you should now be able to deactivate then activate to fix issues with settings etc. becoming corrupt.
  • Call setup_defaults for users who update from backupwordpress 0.4.5 so they get new settings.
  • Don't ajax ping running backup status quite so often.

1.0.1 & 1.0.2

Fix some silly 1.0 bugs


1.0 represents a total rewrite & rethink of the BackUpWordPress plugin with a focus on making it "Just Work". The management and development of the plugin has been taken over by Human Made Limited the chaps behind WP Remote


Version 0.4.5 and previous were developed by wpdprx