
A python module used to scan barcodes with USB-CDC and HID-POS based scanners on GNU/Linux.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Barcode Scanner

This is a Python module for scanning barcodes using USB-CDC and HID-POS based scanner devices.


The dependencies are listed in requirements.txt file. One can use pip to install them:

pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt


One can choose between CLI and GUI when using the scanner module:

from barcode import BarcodeScanner

USE_GUI = True

scanner = BarcodeScanner('/path/to/input/device')
code = scanner.scan_code(USE_GUI)

As a result, the following window will pop up:

Next, try to scan a barcode using a connected scanner, and the code should appear in the text entry.