
pythonic ORM tool for reading and writing HDF5 data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


h5mapper is a pythonic ORM-like tool for reading and writing HDF5 data.

It is built on top of h5py and lets you define types of .h5 files as python classes which you can then easily create from raw sources (e.g. files, urls...), serve (use as Dataset for a Dataloader), or dynamically populate (logs, checkpoints of an experiment).




h5mapper is on pypi, to install it, one only needs to

pip install h5mapper

developer install

for playing around with the internals of the package, a good solution is to first

git clone https://github.com/ktonal/h5mapper.git

and then

pip install -e h5mapper/

which installs the repo in editable mode.



h5m assumes that you want to store collections of contiguous arrays in single datasets and that you want several such concatenated datasets in a file.

Thus, TypedFile allows you to create and read files that maintain a 2-d reference system, where contiguous arrays are stored within features and indexed by their source's id.

Such a file might then look like

<Experiment "experiment.h5">
----------------------------------------------------> sources' ids axis
|                   "planes/01.jpeg"  |     "train"
|                                     |
|   data/                             |
|        images/        (32, 32)      |       None
|        labels/        (1, )         |       None
|   logs/                             |
|        loss/           None         |       (10000,)
|        ...
features axis

where the entries correspond to the shapes of arrays or their absence (None).

Note that this is a different approach than storing each file or image in a separate dataset. In this case, there would be an h5py.Dataset located at data/images/planes/01.jpeg although in our example, the only dataset is at data/images/ and one of its regions is indexed by the id "planes/01.jpeg"

For interacting with files that follow this particular structure, simply define a class

import h5mapper as h5m

class Experiment(h5m.TypedFile):

    data = h5m.Group(
            # your custom h5m.Feature classes:
    logs = h5m.Group(

create, add

now, create an instance, load data from files through parallel jobs and add data on the fly :

# create instance from raw sources
exp = Experiment.create("experiment.h5",
        # those are then used as ids :
        sources=["planes/01.jpeg", "planes/02.jpeg"],
# add id <-> data on the fly :
exp.logs.add("train", dict(loss=losses_array))

get, refs and __getitem__

There are 3 main options to read data from a TypedFile or one of its Proxy

1/ By their id

>> exp.logs.get("train")
Out: {"loss": np.array([...])}
# which, in this case, is equivalent to 
>> exp.logs["train"]
Out: {"loss": np.array([...])}
# because `exp.logs` is a Group and Groups only support id-based indexing

2/ By the index of their ids through their refs attribute :

>> exp.data.images[exp.data.images.refs[0]].shape
Out: (32, 32)

Which works because exp.data.images is a Dataset and only Datasets have refs

3/ with any item supported by the h5py.Dataset

>> exp.data.labels[:32]
Out: np.array([0, 0, ....])

Which only works for Datasets - not for Groups.

Note that, in this last case, you are indexing into the concatenation of all sub-arrays along their first axis.

The same interface is also implemented for set(source, data) and __setitem__


h5m exposes a class that helps you configure the behaviour of your TypedFile classes and the properties of the .h5 they create.

the Feature class helps you define :

  • how sources' ids are loaded into arrays (feature.load(source))
  • which types of files are supported
  • how the data is stored by h5py (compression, chunks)
  • which extraction parameters need to be stored with the data (e.g. sample rate of audio files)
  • custom-methods relevant to this kind of data

Once you defined a Feature class, attach it to the class dict of a TypedFile, that's it!

For example :

import h5mapper as h5m

class MyFeature(h5m.Feature):

    # only sources matching this pattern will be passed to load(...)
    __re__ = r".special$"

    # args for the h5py.Dataset
    __ds_kwargs__ = dict(compression='lzf', chunks=(1, 350))
    def __init__(self, my_extraction_param=0):
        self.my_extraction_param = my_extraction_param

    def attrs(self):
        # those are then written in the h5py.Group.attrs
        return {"p": self.my_extraction_param}

    def load(self, source):
        """your method to get an np.ndarray or a dict thereof
        from a path, an url, whatever sources you have..."""   
        return data

    def plot(self, data):
        """custom plotting method for this kind of data"""
        # ...

# attach it
class Data(h5m.TypedFile):
    feat = MyFeature(47)

# load sources...
f = Data.create(....)

# read your data through __getitem__ 
batch = f.feat[4:8]

# access your method 

# modify the file through __setitem__
f.feat[4:8] = batch ** 2 

for more examples, checkout h5mapper/h5mapper/features.py.


Primarly designed with pytorch users in mind, h5m plays very nicely with the Dataset class :

class MyDS(h5m.TypedFile, torch.utils.data.Dataset):
    x = MyInputFeature(42)
    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self.x[item], self.labels[item]
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.x)

ds = MyDS.create("train.h5", sources, keep_open=True)

dl = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(ds, batch_size=16, num_workers=8, pin_memory=True)

TypedFile even have a method that takes the Dataloader args and a batch object filled with BatchItems and returns a Dataloader that will yield such batch objects.

Example :

f = TypedFile("train.h5", keep_open=True)
loader = f.serve(
    # batch object :
        x=h5m.Input(key='data/image', getter=h5m.GetId()),
        labels=h5m.Target(key='data/labels', getter=h5m.GetId())
    # Dataloader kwargs :
    num_workers=8, pin_memory=True, batch_size=32, shuffle=True


in h5mapper/examples you'll find for now

  • a train script with data, checkpoints and logs in dataset_and_logs.py
  • a script for benchmarking batch-loading times of different options


h5mapper is just getting started and you're welcome to contribute!

You'll find some tests you can run from the root of the repo with a simple


If you'd like to get involved, just drop us an email : ktonalberlin@gmail.com


h5mapper is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.