
MovieFinder is a Nuxt app that gives the user the ability to search for a movie and its details. Data are fetched from OMDb API https://www.omdbapi.com/

Primary LanguageVue


Movie Finder is a search engine (kinda) for movies. It fetched data from omdbapi and shows the results into a carousel.

See it in action

Basic Components

The project is structured in a way that utilizes components for future maintenance. Some of the most important components are listed below.

MovieFinder searches any valid imdbID given in the URL /movies/ID only in dev mode for now.


The search component consists of two input. If you don't type any keyword in the search bar and still try to search for a movie, MovieFinder will suggest a movie from a rather small list of prefetched movies.


The movies components are separated in two big components. The SingleMovie component is responsible for showcasing a movie card to be later fetched and displayed in the carousel.

The MovieDetails is a component that renders a movie details fetched from the API. It is a two collumn minimal design.


The Vuex store is an attempt to keep track of current movies and list the results in the result page. The store itself consists of 3 main actions and some utilitius mutations and getters.


In this action we fetch data from the API using the searchTerm and we get the additional data from another call due to the API endpoint design.


This action will fetch the extra pages of the initial search result. Some results might give more than 10 results back so we need a way to fetch those extra pages without overwhelming the results page with all data from the beginning.


Given a valid imdbID this action searches for the details of the movie. It is used throught the app as this is responsible for fetching the Director, Plot and other usefull data for the movies.


I created some jest test in order to test some basic functionalities of the components and vuex store. It is not a 100% coverage, it just introduces the concept of tests and TDD.

That's all!!