
Documentation for the Ktor framework.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ktor Documentation

Official JetBrains project

Welcome to the repository containing documentation of the Ktor framework, published on https://ktor.io/docs/.

Project organization

This project is built with Writerside and has the following project structure:

  • /cfg contains configuration files.
  • /codeSnippets contains a Gradle project with runnable code samples demonstrating Ktor capabilities. To learn how to run the samples and reference them in topics, see the Code Snippets Doc.
  • /images contains images and GIFs used in topics.
  • /templates has a single settings.zip file containing IntelliJ IDE settings.
  • /topics contains documentation files in Markdown and XML.
  • ktor.tree defines the table of contents.
  • c.list contains a list of categories that define groups of related links for the 'See also' section of a topic.
  • v.list contains a list of global project variables.


We welcome and encourage various types of contributions to the Ktor Docs. If you'd like to contribute, but don't know where to start, take a look at the open issues on YouTrack.

Submit contributions

You can find detailed information about contributing and submitting a pull request in our Contribution Guidelines.

Report bugs or propose features

If you find a bug in this repo or have a feature request that hasn't already been reported, we invite you to create a new issue on YouTrack or contribute to this repo.

Give us feedback

At the bottom of each documentation page published on ktor.io/docs you will find a 'Was this page helpful?' prompt:

Shows the feedback prompt found in the bottom of each page of the Ktor Docs

You have two options:

  • Select Yes to automatically send us positive feedback.
  • Select No to open and fill out a feedback form. Make sure to give as much detail as possible.

The Ktor team consistently reviews and addresses received feedback.

Thank you

Thank you for being a part of our community šŸ§”! We appreciate your support and efforts towards improving Ktor and Ktor Documentation.


For any Ktor-related support questions, please use Stack Overflow. For peer to peer support, use the Ktor channel on Slack (request access).