
Library to spawn/call DistributedActors implementations in child processes from an host process.

Only implement the most basic features on the Distributed Actor System.

Disclamer: this is mainly educational work to play with distributed actor system.

Running the sample app

  1. In the root folder call swift build
  2. Run the host application swift run Host

The Host will look for two executable in .build/debug/ and load them.

Should output the following:

Hello Swift!
Bonjour Swift!
["Hello Swifty!", "Bonjour Swifty!"]

First two lines are the host calling distributed actors in the two children processes. Last line in the first child calling itself and the other child.


Lock implementation comes from https://github.com/apple/swift-distributed-actors which comes from https://github.com/apple/swift-nio

Inspirations were taken from: