
Heroku link

Minimum Viable Product

MyCut is a clone of Yelp built on Rails and Backbone. Users can:

  • Create accounts
    • Create sessions (log in)
  • Create Store
  • Queries
    • Find
      • Tags
      • Shop name
      • Location
  • View
    • Geolocation using Google Maps API
    • Barbershops/salons
    • Barbers/stylists and their portfolio
  • User supplied photos
  • Read/Write shop reviews
  • Ratings
    • Star rating of shop
    • Star rating of barber

Design Docs

Implementation Timeline

Phase 1: User Authentication and Validations (~.5 day)

I will implement user authentication + sessions through standard Rails practices and a primary static page to host my Backbone application. I well set up the the initial migrations, models, both DB and model level validations, as well as the necessary associations. At this point I will deploy to Heroku.

Primary duties: Authentication, validating models + associations, deploying to Heroku.


Phase 2a: Creating/Viewing Shops and Reviews (~1-2 days)

I will add API endpoints to serve shop and review data as JSON, then add Backbone models and collections that fetch data from those routes. I will set up the Backbone views so that users will be able to create and view shops, tags and reviews.


Phase 2b: Showing a shop, its barbers, and reviews. ~1-2 day


Phase 3: Create, view, and edit a barber portfolio (~2 days)

I will add API endpoints and jbuilder views to serve barber data as JSON, and then I will add a Backbone


Phase 4: User Feeds (~1-2 days)

I'll start by adding a feed route that uses the current_user's subscribed_blogs association to serve a list of blog posts ordered chronologically. On the Backbone side, I'll make a FeedShow view whose posts collection fetches from the new route. Ultimately, this will be the page users see after logging in.


Phase 5: Search for shops (~2 days)

I'll need to add search routes to both the Shops controller. On the Backbone side, there will be a SearchResults composite view has BlogsIndex and PostsIndex subviews. These views will use plain old blogs and posts collections, but they will fetch from the new search routes.


Bonus Features (TBD)

  • Many-to-many association between barber + shop
  • Display shop by average rating
  • Activity history (e.g. likes, reblogs, taggings)
  • Queries
    • Search by barber
  • Barber Account
    • Upload portfolio
  • Read/leave views
    • Barber/stylist
  • Modal barber portfolio [phase-one]: ./docs/phases/ [phase-two-a]: ./docs/phases/ [phase-two-b]: ./docs/phases/ [phase-three]: ./docs/phases/ [phase-four]: ./docs/phases/ [phase-five]: ./docs/phases/