
A toy project for demonstrating C++ development environment and toolchain.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


The main purpose of this project is serving as a prototype for other C and C++ projects.

The project implements a simple binary (ssi) which is linked against a library (libssi). Neither the library nor the binary solve any practical problem except being an example of using the external dependencies (various Boost libraries in this case). The binary prints the total number of processor threads on the machine and local date and time. When executed in the container, the latter may differ from the date and time on the host machine because the container uses UTC time.

In regards to storing C++ code, placing everything into single src directory is intentionally avoided. Instead, three separate directories are used: lib and bin keep sources of the libraries and binaries respectively, include is dedicated for public header files of the libraries. Not olnly does this approach intoroduce a better layout and but it also prevents too deep directory nesting. Each of three directories mentioned above has a separate subdirectory for each library/binary (only ssi at the moment). That makes it easy to extend the project with other libraries/binaries just by placing their subdirectories alongside with existing one.

The development environment is created with Ganvigar. The project makes use of the Meson build system. In my optinion, it provides much more logical and cleaner DSL than CMake does. The project documentation is created with Doxygen.

Some instructions

Create Docker image and container if that hasn't been done yet, execute bash in the container (requires Docker 18.09 or higher):

host_promtp> git clone git@github.com:ktrushin/ganvigar.git
host_promtp> git clone git@github.com:ktrushin/ssi.git
host_prompt> cd ssi
host_prompt> ../ganvigar/devenv-launch ganvigar/dev.conf

The rest of the instructions are executed in the container.

Run the formatter and the linter:

container_prompt> git add <changed files>
container_prompt> git-clang-format
container_prompt> <examine_the_changes>
container_prompt> git add <files_formatted_with_clang_format>
container_prompt> ./tools/clang-tidy.sh

Compile the project with g++ and execute the resulting binary:

container_prompt> CXX='ccache g++' meson setup _build_gcc
container_prompt> meson compile -v -C _build_gcc -j$(nproc)
container_prompt> ./_build_gcc/bin/ssi
Number of threads: 4
Local time: 2022-Set-04 15:20:53

Compile the project with clang++ and execute the resulting binary:

container_prompt> CXX='ccache clang++' meson setup _build_clang
container_prompt> meson compile -v -C _build_clang -j$(nproc)
container_prompt> ./_build_clang/bin/ssi
Number of threads: 4
Local time: 2022-Sep-04 15:21:20

Note. If one wants to limit the number of parallel linkage jobs, she can use the backend_max_links option for the meson setup command. Providing that a linkage job doesn't use more than 3GB of RAM, the example below determines whether the CPU or the RAM limits the linkage parallelism and adjusts the number of jobs accordingly:

container_prompt> meson setup \
        free --giga |
        awk -v cpu_count=$(nproc) -v gb_per_thread=3 'NR==2{
            job_count=int($2 / gb_per_thread);
            print job_count < cpu_count ? job_count : cpu_count
        }') \

Install and uninstall:

container_prompt> sudo ninja -v -C _build_gcc install
container_prompt> sudo ldconfig
container_prompt> type ssi
ssi is /usr/local/bin/ssi
container_prompt> ssi
Number of threads: 4
Local time: 2022-Sep-04 15:23:17
container_prompt> sudo ninja -v -C _build_gcc uninstall
container_prompt> type ssi
ssi is hashed (/usr/local/bin/ssi)
container_prompt> hash -r
container_prompt> type ssi
bash: type: ssi: not found

Build, install and uninstall Debian packages:

container_prompt> ./tools/build_deb.sh -o "-uc -us"
<lots of output here>
container_prompt> ls _build_deb/
libssi0_0.1.0-1_amd64.deb          ssi_0.1.0-1_amd64.changes
libssi0-dbgsym_0.1.0-1_amd64.ddeb  ssi_0.1.0-1_amd64.deb
libssi-dev_0.1.0-1_amd64.deb       ssi_0.1.0-1.debian.tar.xz
libssi-doc_0.1.0-1_all.deb         ssi_0.1.0-1.dsc
ssi-0.1.0-1                        ssi-0.1.0-1.tar.gz
ssi_0.1.0-1_amd64.build            ssi_0.1.0.orig.tar.gz
ssi_0.1.0-1_amd64.buildinfo        ssi-dbgsym_0.1.0-1_amd64.ddeb
container_prompt> cd _build_deb
container_prompt> sudo dpkg -i libssi0_0.1.0-1_amd64.deb ssi_0.1.0-1_amd64.deb
container_prompt> type ssi
ssi is /usr/bin/ssi
container_prompt> ssi
Number of threads: 4
Local time: 2022-Sep-04 15:29:42
container_prompt> sudo apt-get purge ssi libssi0
container_prompt> type ssi
ssi is hashed (/usr/bin/ssi)
container_prompt> hash -r
container_prompt> type ssi
bash: type: ssi: not found

Although the project is created to be used mostly by the author as a source of examples for setting up a development environment, writing Meson build files and preparing Debian packages, others may also find it useful.