
An opinionated Lua code formatter

Primary LanguageRustMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


An opinionated code formatter for Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and Luau, built using full-moon. StyLua is inspired by the likes of prettier, it parses your Lua codebase, and prints it back out from scratch, enforcing a consistent code style.


There are multiple ways to install StyLua:

With Github Releases

Pre-built binaries are available on the GitHub Releases Page.

By default, these are built with all syntax variants enabled (Lua 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and Luau), to cover all possible codebases. If you would like to format a specific Lua version only, see installing from crates.io.

From Crates.io

If you have Rust installed, you can install StyLua using cargo. By default, this builds for just Lua 5.1. You can pass the --features <flag> argument to build for Lua 5.2 (lua52), Lua 5.3 (lua53), Lua 5.4 (lua54) or Luau (luau)

cargo install stylua
cargo install stylua --features lua52
cargo install stylua --features lua53
cargo install stylua --features lua54
cargo install stylua --features luau

GitHub Actions

You can use the stylua-action GitHub Action in your CI to install and run StyLua. This action uses the prebuilt GitHub release binaries, instead of running cargo install, for faster CI times.


You can use StyLua with pre-commit. There are 3 possible pre-commit hooks available:

  • stylua: installs via cargo - requires the Rust toolchain
  • stylua-system: runs a stylua binary available on the PATH. The binary must be pre-installed
  • stylua-github: automatically installs the relevant prebuilt binary from GitHub Actions

Add the following to your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

- repo: https://github.com/JohnnyMorganz/StyLua
  rev: v0.15.0
    - id: stylua # or stylua-system / stylua-github


StyLua is available as a binary published to npm as @johnnymorganz/stylua-bin. This is a thin wrapper which installs the binary and allows it to be run through npm.

npx @johnnymorganz/stylua-bin --help

StyLua is also available as a WASM library at @johnnymorganz/stylua. It is usable in Node.js, or in the browser (using a bundler).

Other Installation Methods

aftman add johnnymorganz/stylua@0.14.2
  • A community maintained package repository. Please note, these packages are maintained by third-parties and we do not control their packaging manifests.

Community Packages

Other Editor Integrations

Note that these integrations require the StyLua binary to already be installed and available on your system.


Once installed, pass the files to format to the CLI:

stylua src/ foo.lua bar.lua

This command will format the foo.lua and bar.lua file, and search down the src directory to format any files within it. StyLua can also read from stdin, by using - as the file name.

Glob Filtering

By default, when searching through a directory, StyLua looks for all files matching the glob **/*.lua (or **/*.luau when luau is enabled) to format. You can also specify an explicit glob pattern to match against when searching:

stylua --glob '**/*.luau' -- src # format all files in src matching **/*.luau
stylua -g '*.lua' -g '!*.spec.lua' -- . # format all Lua files except test files ending with `.spec.lua`

Note, if you are using the glob argument, it can take in multiple strings, so -- is required to break between the glob pattern and the files to format.

Glob Filtering is only used for directory searching - passing a file directly (e.g. stylua foo.txt) will override the glob.

Filtering using .styluaignore

You can create a .styluaignore file, with a format similar to .gitignore. Any files matching the globs in the ignore file will be ignored by StyLua. For example, for a .styluaignore file with the following contents:


running stylua . will ignore the vendor/ directory.

--check: Checking files for formatting

To check whether files have been formatted (but not write directly to them), use the --check flag. It will take files as input, and output a diff to stdout instead of rewriting the file contents. If there are files which haven't been fully formatted, StyLua will exit with status code 1.

By default, we provide a custom Standard diff view, but this can be configured:

  • --output-format=unified: output a unified diff, which can be consumed by tools like patch or delta
  • --output-format=json: output JSON representing the changes, useful for machine-readable output

--verify: Verifying formatting output

As a safety measure, the --verify flag can be passed to StyLua, and StyLua will verify the output of all formatting before saving it to a file.

If enabled, the tool will re-parse the formatted output to verify if the AST is still valid (no syntax errors) and is similar to the input (possible semantic changes).

Useful when adopting StyLua in a large codebase, where it is difficult to verify all formatting is correct. Note that this may produce false positives and negatives - we recommend manual verification as well as running tests to confirm.

Ignoring parts of a file

To skip formatting a particular part of a file, you can add -- stylua: ignore before it. This may be useful if there is a particular style you want to preseve for readability, e.g.:

-- stylua: ignore
local matrix = {
    { 0, 0, 0 },
    { 0, 0, 0 },
    { 0, 0, 0 },

Formatting can also be skipped over a block of code using -- stylua: ignore start and -- stylua: ignore end:

local foo = true
-- stylua: ignore start
local   bar   =   false
local  baz      = 0
-- stylua: ignore end
local foobar = false

Note that ignoring cannot cross scope boundaries - once a block is exited, formatting will be re-enabled.

Formatting Ranges

To format a specific range within a file, use --range-start <num> and/or --range-end <num>. Both arguments are inclusive and optional - if an argument is not provided, the start/end of the file will be used respectively.

Only whole statements lying within the range will be formatted. If part of a statement falls outside the range, the statement will be ignored.

In editors, Format Selection is supported.


StyLua is opinionated, so only a few options are provided.

Finding the configuration

The CLI looks for stylua.toml or .stylua.toml in the directory where the tool was executed. If not found, the default configuration is used.

A custom path can be provided using --config-path <path>. If the path provided is not found/malformed, StyLua will exit with an error.

By default, the tool does not search further than the current directory. Recursively searching parent directories can be enabled using --search-parent-directories. This will keep searching ancestors. If not found, it will then look in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME / $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/stylua.

Note: enabling searching outside of the current directory is NOT recommended due to possibilities of conflicting formatting:

It is recommended to keep a .stylua.toml file in your project root so that other developers can make use of the same configuration.

If a project uses the default configuration of StyLua without a configuration file present, enabling external searching may cause conflicting formatting.


StyLua only offers the following options:

Option Default Description
column_width 120 Approximate line length for printing. Used as a guide for line wrapping - this is not a hard requirement: lines may fall under or over the limit.
line_endings Unix Line endings type. Possible options: Unix (LF) or Windows (CRLF)
indent_type Tabs Indent type. Possible options: Tabs or Spaces
indent_width 4 Character size of single indentation. If indent_type is set to Tabs, this option is used as a heuristic to determine column width only.
quote_style AutoPreferDouble Quote style for string literals. Possible options: AutoPreferDouble, AutoPreferSingle, ForceDouble, ForceSingle. AutoPrefer styles will prefer the specified quote style, but fall back to the alternative if it has fewer string escapes. Force styles always use the specified style regardless of escapes.
call_parentheses Always Whether parentheses should be applied on function calls with a single string/table argument. Possible options: Always, NoSingleString, NoSingleTable, None. Always applies parentheses in all cases. NoSingleString omits parentheses on calls with a single string argument. Similarly, NoSingleTable omits parentheses on calls with a single table argument. None omits parentheses in both cases. Note: parentheses are still kept in situations where removal can lead to obscurity (e.g. foo "bar".setup -> foo("bar").setup, since the index is on the call result, not the string).
collapse_simple_statement Never Specify whether to collapse simple statements. Possible options: Never, FunctionOnly, ConditionalOnly, or Always

Default stylua.toml, note you do not need to explicitly specify each option if you want to use the defaults:

column_width = 120
line_endings = "Unix"
indent_type = "Tabs"
indent_width = 4
quote_style = "AutoPreferDouble"
call_parentheses = "Always"
collapse_simple_statement = "Never"