
Primary LanguageJavaScript


MetaStanza are a Collection of generic TogoStanza (JavaScript version).


MetaStanza are deployed at http://togostanza.org/dist/metastanza/ so all you need is to put a <link> tag for a MetaStanza xxx of your choice,

<link rel="import" href="http://togostanza.org/dist/metastanza/roundtree/">

and put <togostanza-xxx> tag in your page where you want to embed the stanza with a REST API which returns a SPARQL query result.

<togostanza-roundtree sparql_api="http://togostanza.org/sparqlist/api/d3sparql_roundtree?organism=Ramazzottius" title="D3 roundtree"></togostanza-roundtree>

See http://togostanza.org/sparqlist/ for some live demos of those REST APIs and embedded MetaStanza.

Build your own

Obtain ts command for your OS from https://github.com/togostanza/ts/releases and build MetaStanza,

% git clone https://github.com/ktym/metastanza.git
% cd metastanza
% /path/to/ts build .
% cp -pr dist/stanza /path/to/www/root/path/metastanza

then deploy and open http://<your_server>/path/metastanza/ to see the list of MetaStanza.