
Documentation related to NI Linux Real-Time

MIT LicenseMIT


Repository for the https://nilrt-docs.ni.com documentation pages for NI Linux Real-Time.


This project contains community sourced documentation for the NI Linux Real-Time Operating System. This documentation is hosted at https://nilrt-docs.ni.com.


This documentation is built using Sphinx. To build:

  1. Install Sphinx using whichever method you prefer from the official Sphinx documentation.
  2. Clone this repo.
    git clone https://github.com/ni/nilrt-docs
    cd nilrt-docs
  3. Run the following commands.
    cd docs/
    make html
  4. Navigate to the built html tree at docs/build/html

About NI Linux Real-Time

To learn about NI Linux Real-Time, visit the NI Linux Real-Time Portal.