
Implementation of DQN, DDQN and DRQNs for Atari Games in Tensorflow. [Work in Progress]

Primary LanguagePython

Human-Level Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning

Tensorflow implementation of Human-Level Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning.

This implementation contains:

  1. DQN (Deep Q-Network) and DDQN (Double Deep Q-Network)
  2. Experience Replay Memory
    • to reduce the correlations between consecutive updates
  3. Network for Q-learning targets are fixed for intervals [OpenAI hack]
    • to reduce the correlations between target and predicted Q-values
  4. Image Cropping and Explicit Frame Skiping as in Original paper
  5. Support for Both Atari and Classic Control Environemnts from OpenAI gym



  1. First, install prerequisites with:

     $ pip install gym[all]
  2. Setup ALE Arcade-Learning-Environment

  3. To train a model for Breakout(or Any Other Atari Games):

    • Edit the cfg/Atari.yml as required and run:

        $ python main.py --rom <ROM bin file>
  4. To test a model run:

     $ python main.py --rom <ROM bin file> --mode test



  • Implement DQN
  • Implement DDQN
  • Adaptive Exploration Rates
  • Implement DRQN
  • Prioritized Experience Replay
  • Add Detailed Results
  • Dueling Network Architectures



MIT License.