
minimalistic desktop setup

Primary LanguageNix

Focus-first minimalist desktop setup


Keybinds & Aliases


  • nx - to rebuild nix os
  • nxe - to edit nix config
  • hpe - to edit hyprland config
  • Mod + Enter Open terminal
  • Mod + Print Make a screenshot
  • Mod + Q Kill window
  • Mod + D Open program
  • Mod + E Open files
  • Mod + N Open notifications
  • Mod + F Toggle floating
  • Mod + T Toggle split
  • Mod + . Lock desktop
  • Mod + Shift + . Exit session
  • Mod + h / j / k / l Move around
  • Mod + Shift + h / j / k / l Move window

Installation on NixOS

Note: configuration.nix contains bash post-install that copies all the configuration files from the config/ directory onto the system

  1. Copy the files onto your system
cp -f dots/* /etc/nixos/
  1. Rebuild your system (using configured alias)
  1. You're beautiful

Installation on Arch \ Debian

Note: If using Debian as host, you'll have to compile most of the dependencies from source

  1. Install Hyprland as described on wiki
  2. Install the dependencies

Arch : yay -S zsh oh-my-zsh-git zsh-autosuggestions zsh-completions zsh-syntax-highlighting kitty grim slurp helix neovim swaybg swaync swayidle rose-pine-gtk-theme firefox-developer-edition nautilus swaylock-effects

Arch (QoL): yay -S foliate discord telegram-desktop openvpn lld ttf-material-design-icons wireplumber pipewire-jack pipewire-pulse ttf-droid noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji wqy-microhei docker docker-compose pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-also pipewire-audio wireplumber visual-studio-code-bin bluez-utils-compat blueman

  1. git clone https://github.com/kualta/dots && mv dots/* ~/.config/
  2. Customize wallpaper and utility commands at ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
  3. You're amazing! (and so is your desktop)


v1 (old branch)

v2 (main branch)