
Benchmarking DeepONet with JAX

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Benchmarking DeepONet with JAX

This repo contains the following five sections:

  1. Installation: creating a fresh conda environment for the benchmark;

  2. Problem and data: problem description and data generation;

  3. Training and metrics: training setups and metrics for comparison;

  4. Baseline: one baseline implementation in pure jax + flax by Kuangdai;

  5. Contributed solutions: contributed solutions.

1. Installation

The only required dependencies for this repo are jax and flax. Optionally, you can install deepxde, which is needed only for data generation; otherwise, you can choose to download pre-generated data, as detailed later.

The following lines provide an example FYR, starting from a new conda environment.

# env
conda create --name deeponet_jax_bench pip git tqdm
conda activate deeponet_jax_bench
# jax
conda install jaxlib=*=*cuda* jax cuda-nvcc -c conda-forge -c nvidia
pip install flax
# deepxde (only needed for data generation)
pip install deepxde 
# clone repo
git clone https://github.com/kuangdai/deeponet-jax-bench
cd deeponet-jax-bench

Using the same device and environment (such as CUDA version) is not too important for this benchmark, as we only care about the relative (rather than absolute) GPU and time savings w.r.t. the baseline.

2. Problem and data

The problem is adapted from one of the demonstrations of PI-DeepONets in deepxde, the diffusion reaction equation. This is also an example in DeepXDE-ZCS. We use this example so that the results can be easily compared to those by the other backends (torch, tf and paddle).

Use the following line to generate the full dataset:

DDE_BACKEND=jax python xgen_data.py

The following files will be generated in data/:

xt_all.npy float (12000, 2) Coordinates of collocation points on a $100 \times 120$ meshgrid with 100 $x$'s and 120 $t$'s
bc_idx.npy int (240,) Indices of points for the boundary conditions ($x=0$ and $x=1$)
ic_idx.npy int (100,) Indices of points for the initial condition ($t=0$)
features.npy float (1500, 50) Input to the branch net, with 1500 functions and 50 features per function
sources.npy float (1500, 12000) Source fields in the PDE for the 1500 functions, which is time-independent but tiled along the time dimension
solutions.npy float (1500, 12000) Solution fields of the PDE for the 1500 functions

If you do not have deepxde, you can download the pre-generated dataset (130 MB) instead.

3. Training and metrics

Sampling a data batch

Because this benchmark has a focus on GPU memory and time measurements, we must make sure that the neural network see the same amount of data in one batch (namely, for one time of backprop and model update). We set the number of functions at $M=50$ and the number of points at $N=4000$ for one batch. Data sampling is facilitated by the DiffRecData class under src/, e.g.,

from src.utils import DiffRecData

data = DiffRecData(data_path='data/')
# if train==True, sample from the first 1000 functions; otherwise from the last 500
branch_input, trunk_input, source_input, u_true = data.sample_batch(
    n_funcs=50, n_points=4000, seed=0, train=True)

The outputs contain the data in a batch:

branch_input (50, 50) Input to the branch net, with 50 functions and 50 features per function
trunk_input (4340, 2) Input to the trunk net, with 4340 points (4340 = 4000 + 240 + 100)
source_input (50, 4340) Source fields to be used for PDE calculation, for the 50 functions and the 4340 points
u_true (50, 4340) Solution fields to the PDE, for the 50 functions and the 4340 points

NOTE: the solutions u_true can only be used for validation (i.e., not used in training).

Network architecture

The numbers of features for the branch and trunk nets are respectively [50, 128, 128, 128] and [2, 128, 128, 128]. A flax implementation in the format of "cartesian product" is provided in src/model.py, which will be used for our baseline and ZCS solutions. You do not need to use this implementation or the format of "cartesian product"; however, please make sure that your network has the same amount of trainable parameters, and it sees the same amount of data in each iteration as defined above.


Report the following three numbers after training for 1000 batches:

  • Peak GPU memory: we do not provide built-in code to monitor GPU usage, as one can easily do this using tools such as nvitop. Note that, by default, jax pre-allocates 75% of available GPU memory on startup, and we must disable such behaviour by XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE=false.

  • Total wall time: because jax can run so fast, we exclude the time used on data sampling (i.e., excluding time for DiffRecData.sample_batch).

  • L2 relative error: you can use src.batched_l2_relative_error to compute the error; after 1000 batches, it must come down to around 30%.


The benchmark problem has been completely defined as above.

The rest is about our baseline and ZCS solutions.


4. Baseline

We provide a baseline solution in xtrain_baseline.py:

XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE=false CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python xtrain_baseline.py -M 50 -N 4000 

This solution adopts the format of "cartesian product", similar to the classes of PDEOperatorCartesianProd and DeepONetCartesianProd in deepxde. In deepxde, the function dimension is handled by a handmade for-loop; here we use vmap to vectorise this dimension. The whole train_step is jit compiled.

Our measurements on a V100 GPU is reported as follows:

Baseline 4955 3.1 36.1

Now we can compare these results to the original deepxde solutions with the other backends (torch, tf and paddle), which can be found at DeepXDE-ZCS. Clearly, this jax baseline has surpassed those with the other backends, meaning that it is at least a reasonable baseline with jax. However, note that the time measurements in DeepXDE-ZCS do include data sampling.

5. Contributed solutions

So far we have received three solutions. Kuangdai Leng (KL) contributed two solutions using ZCS, respectively based on jax.grad() and jax.jvp(), and Shunyuan Mao (SM) contributed a solution only using jax.jvp().


XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE=false CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python xtrain_zcs.py -M 50 -N 4000 

ZCS-JVP (by KL):

XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE=false CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python xtrain_zcs_jvp.py -M 50 -N 4000 


XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE=false CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python xtrain_jvp.py -M 50 -N 4000 

The measurements on an Nvidia V100 are reported below (5 runs average). These measurements show an outstanding reduction of GPU memory and wall time by ZCS and JVP.

Baseline (KL) 4955 3.1 36.1
ZCS-GRAD (KL) 603 3.5 3.6
ZCS-JVP (KL) 603 1.4 3.5
PURE-JVP (SM) 605 6.6 3.9

5.1 Increasing number of functions and points

We increase the problem scale by using -M 100 -N 8000, and the measurements are reported below (5 runs average):

Baseline (KL) 10851 5.4 142.1
ZCS-GRAD (KL) 867 3.7 5.1
ZCS-JVP (KL) 867 1.5 5.0
PURE-JVP (SM) 867 6.8 5.5

5.2 Increasing the maximum differential order

Next we change the target PDE from

$$ u_t - d u_{xx} + k u ^ 2 - f=0 $$


$$ u_t - d u_{xxxx} + k u ^ 2 - f=0 $$

Namely, we change the order of the spatial diffusion term from 2 to 4. The scripts are marked by the prefix _order4_. The new measurements on the same device are reported below (5 runs average, $M=50, N=4000$):

ZCS-GRAD (KL) 1115 5.4 6.4
ZCS-JVP (KL) 885 2.5 6.1
PURE-JVP (SM) 885 18.6 7.6

NOTE: nested jvp is currently unsupported by the other backends (torch, tf and paddle). Therefore, ZCS-JVP and PURE-JVP cannot be extended to these backends at this moment.