Paladins-BetterVGS is my attempt at restoring pre 3.x vgs keybinds using AutoHotkey.
- Automatically converts old vgs command to new vgs command.
- In game detection to avoid messing up lobby chat.
- In game chat works.
- Ability to add custom keybinds by simply editing vgs.ini file.
- Launches game automatically in it's not running.
- Download precompiled binary from the release page.
- Extract the zip file to anywhere you like.
- Simply run Paladins-BetterVGS.exe from the extracted folder.
- Download or clone src folder (containing ahk, ini and ico).
- Run Paladins-BetterVGS.ahk with latest version of AutoHotKey.
Set VGS Layout to Text Mode in the gameplay Options for best result. Also. remember to close the Program/Script from the system tray when you're done playing.
- If you have any feedbacks or issues, open an issue.
- Contributions are welcome, clone and send pull request.
- Ahmed Aziz Nahin - for the idea and inspiration.
- dribbleondo - for the compiled lists of old and new VGS keybinds.
- Arafat Zahan - me, for obvious reasons.