
This is a simple demo of CRUD app with relational DB (in memory here) build with Spring Boot. It is a full demo consisting of the deployment to live server. The build stage is on Github Actions.

Running the app

1. locally

Add env variables listed with placeholders in application.yml then:

./gradlew build
./gradlew bootRun  -Dadmin.db.password=<password> -Dadmin.db.username=<username> -Dadmin.h2.enabled=true -Dadmin.security.allowedOrigin1=http://localhost/ -Dadmin.security.apiKey=<yourkey>

2. on server

here we use docker, so the steps are the following:

  • build the image and push to registry (github) in build-and-push.yml script
  • set up token in github and release the package
  • ssh to your server and pull the image and run:
docker pull ghcr.io/kuba-04/zalex:{imageId}
docker run -e "admin.db.password=<password>" -e "admin.db.username=<username>" -e "admin.h2.enabled=true" -e "admin.security.allowedOrigin1=*" -e "admin.security.apiKey=<your_apiKey>" --name zalex -d -p <your_server_exposed_port>:8080  <imageId>


Use the requests from the example collection: zalex-local.postman_collection.json