
Reason of ImageDataGenerator

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi @kuba-siekierzynski ,

i would like to thank you for sharing this code , looks promising and good results till now .
i just want to discuss with you the reason of ImageDataGenerator . i understand that it increase accuracy but how and have you tried any alternatives , also you fit the training data only and don't do the same on the test data .

# In order to process data augmentation, keras' ImageDataGenerator can apply some transformations to images on random
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator

datagen = ImageDataGenerator(
    # featurewise_center=False,
    # samplewise_center=False,
    # featurewise_std_normalization=True,
    # samplewise_std_normalization=True,
    # zca_whitening=True,

i will keep playing on this model and try to raise the accuracy on some images that fails as steering wheels ones



i'm new to both Github and machineLearning so all of this is over my head but i still find this project interesting and worth looking into.

i'm starting to learn what machineLearning is all about and am also learning Python.

it will be sometime before i can contribute anything substantial to this project, if ever, but i'm looking forward to help when i can.

i'm following you because i know you from Sololearn and know you are proficient in programning techniques esp Python.

though i know this should not be the place for this kind of comment please excuse me this one time.

This is totally the best place for this kind of comment :) Any contribution, whether code-related or just motivational - is warmly welcome here. Feel free to give feedback or a question whenever you want.

thanks Kuba,
i really appreciate your comment. It's great to know someone on the inside!