
Program to scan and grade bubble sheet test using OpenCV, Python and OMR. The program was created for the Analysis of Image and Multimedia Data laboratories.

Primary LanguagePython


Program basis on this tutorial: https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2016/10/03/bubble-sheet-multiple-choice-scanner-and-test-grader-using-omr-python-and-opencv/

How to run?

python console_script.py -i test_data/test_exam/sheets/test2.png -a test_data/test_exam/correct_answers.txt
python console_script.py -i test_data/test_16_answ/sheets -a test_data/test_16_answ/answers.txt

Second example command process all images in directory. File with answers may have txt, csv or xlsx format. Output file contating results and selected answers for each input file is generated in report.xlsx file in script directory or inside directory pointed by '-o' param.

Close by "ESC" key

Additional params

  -a ANSWERS, --answers ANSWERS
                        Path to file with correct answers
  -i IMAGE, --image IMAGE
                        Path to the input image or directory containing multiple test images
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Path to the output directory for generated report
  -s SHOW_RESULT_IMAGES, --show_result_images SHOW_RESULT_IMAGES
                        Are result images should be displayed
  -ac ANSWERS_COUNT, --answers_count ANSWERS_COUNT
                        Count of possible answers

Files description

console_script - script to run program from console
test_grader - test grader backend code, main method is grade_test, which is used in console_script
test_grader_utils - additional utils, used mainly to research purpose or by console script