
Librelink integration for Home Assistant

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LibrelinkUp Integration for Home Assistant

This integration will set up the following platforms for each patient linked to the librelinkUp account.

Platform Description

sensor | Show info from LibrelinkUp API.

  • Active Sensor (in days) : All information about your sensor. State is number of days since activation.
  • Glucose Measurement (in mg/dL) : Measured value every minute.
  • Glucose Trend : in plain text + icon.
  • Minutes since update (in min) : self explanatory.

binary_sensor | to measure high and low.

  • Is High | True of False.
  • Is Low | True of False.

Illustration with a custom:mini-graph-card


And the yaml if you like this card: https://github.com/gillesvs/librelink/blob/main/custom_components/librelink/mini-graph-glucose.yml


  1. Add this repository URL as a custom repository in HACS
  2. Restart Home Assistant
  3. In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "Librelink"

Configuration is done in the UI

You need a librelinkUp account to use this integration User must have accepted Abbott user agreement in the librelinkUp app for the integration to work.

  • Use username (mail) and password of the librelinkUp account.
  • A token will be retreived for the duration of the HA session.

Contributions are welcome!

If you want to contribute to this please read the Contribution guidelines

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