WeddingPlanner API and application.
- Visual Studio 2019
- SQL Server
- Clone repository. Open solution file in Visual Studio.
- Restore nuget packages.
- Build solution.
- Setup SQL database - open Infrastructure project folder, open PowerShell and run command:
dotnet ef --startup-project ..\WeddingPlanner.Api\ database update
- Run application.
Work in progress...
- .NET 5.0
- Swagger
- Automapper
- Autofac
- Entity Framework Core
API Documentation was created using the Swagger. It is available at url: {api_url}/swagger
Postman collection with API request examples is available in the repo root - WeddingPlanner.postman_collection.
API uses JWT for authentication. Roles - TODO
- Register user
- Login user
- Get all guests
- Create new guest
- Get guests by age param
- Get wedding hall by id
- Create new wedding hall
- Edit wedding hall
- Add outfit
- Update outfit
- Get outfit by id
Logging was implemented using the log4net library. Log data is saved to the main.log file (.\WeddingPlanner.Api\bin\Debug\netcoreapp5\main.log)
MS SQL Server - TODO
WeddingPlanner.Tests - dedicated project for unit & integration tests.
Technologies used:
- xunit
- FluentAssertions
- Moq
- Jakub Wajs - github