
Final *Big* Project for PAI lessons

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Final Big Project for PAI lessons

Code Walkthrough


This directory contains all icons, fonts, etc.

This folder is used only by assetManager.js file


Playable doom in browser using the power of WebAssembly

Using my fork of doom in WebAssembly

file function
doom.js This file loads needed scripts(mus2midi.js, pcm-player.js&midi.js) and then initiates my fork of doom.wasm
mus2midi.js Converts doom MUS sound format into playable midi files
pcm-player Library that can play raw samples of music
doom.wasm My fork of doom in webAssembly from this repo with added sound support (for more look here)


My take on tetris

Made using only canvas without using any external libraries

At first it was supposed to be the final project but it evolved into a full desktop

file function
debug.js Implements a debug collision renderer
grid.js Game base element. The playing field
piece.js Contains pieces definitions and calculates collisions
playingPiece.js Object holding current playing piece location. Also can rotate the piece in question
renderer.js Main game renderer. Can draw grid, score and playing piece
tetris.js The glue and main game logic of tetris. It loads all the above files and implements a game loop


Desktop renderer and apps handler

file function
assetManager.js Used to load all needed images and other assets. And then you can reference a loaded texture like assetLoader.assets.icons.tetris
desktop.js Object to render wallpaper and desktop icons (also handles icon clicks)
main.js Entry script that loads other scripts and initiates them
renderer.js Handles windows and screen clearing
window.js Window object holding things like: location, draw function, destroy function