In this workshop you will build an application that will receive messages from kubemq-queue and send them to event store.
You will need to listen to queue, take the body (a list of Rate struct , see at #Data) and send them to kubemq event-store .
From there the "Client" side will pick up the rates using kubemq-rest-websocket and will show them.
Queue Name to receive Messages from = "rates-Queue"
Store name to send the Messages to = "ratesstore"
kubemq-cluster:8080 -
kubemq-cluster:9090 -
kubemq-cluster:50000 -
{ "id": 0, "name": "", "ask": "", "bid": "" }
use port forwarding: docker run -d -p 82:80 kubemq/workshop-client:v1.0.0
Can use Command request to start rates when AutoStart is set to false. Need to send to Channel name :"rateCMD". No special body or metadata required .
KubemqAddress - Kubemq Address *Default will be - localhost:50000.
KubemqClient - The name of the client that the program will signed under *Default will be - ratesstest.
KubemqQueue - The name of the queue the rates will publish to *Default will be - rates-Queue.
CMDChannel - The name of the channel to sign under for commands to start/stop *Default will be - rateCMD.
AutoStart - Advance - if needed to send rate on startup *Default will be - true.
RateInterval - The interval that rates will be sent under *Default will be - 500.