🪄 Filter your datasets quickly!
Grader is a tool that allows you to sift through your text datasets and "grade" samples as good/bad/any other label.
- Mobile-first UI
- Nintendo Joy-Con support - grading on the go!
- On-device TTS for reading your samples out loud
pull the repo
git pull https://github.com/kubernetes-bad/grader
Edit the config file
- Copy the contents of
(cp config/default.yml config/local.yml
) - Set up your dataset values in
(see Configuration).
- Copy the contents of
run docker compose up
docker compose up
Populate your data into DB
In your favourite MySQL client, add your data to the
table. Your table has to have columnid
with numeric type. -
Access grading interface on http://localhost:4000/
Grade your dataset! 🪄
Your grades are saved into
Below are sections from config file with explanation.
host: "host.docker.internal" # host where your DB runs. If you're running in docker compose - leave as is
port: 3306
user: "grader" # these are default values provided in docker-compose.yml
password: "pessword123"
database: "grader" # the main database where your dataset lives
port: 4000 # port on which the Grader app will be running
data: # This section configures how your data is presented in UI
id: id # name of your ID column. Has to have numeric type. Grades will have the same ID
title: {} # Column with title of current data sample. Can be anything meaningful like "name" or "caption" - it will become the page title. Leaving this as default will result in error.
# title: "Title" # means that value of column "title" (for example "How to eat a cake") will become page title with text "Title: How to eat a cake".
# name: "Character Name" # another example - value of column "name" will become page title "Character Name: Samuel"
tables: # these are the names of your tables where data to grade and grades will leave
input: input # your dataset
grades: grades # where to store grades
fields: {} # Names and captions for your data fields that will be presented to the user. Leaving it as default will result in error.
# column1: "Column 1 Label" # This will be shown to the user as "Column 1 Label: <value of column1>
# description: "Character Description" # Here's a more concrete example: value of column 'description' will be displayed as "Description: Maria is 32-year old woman..."
buttons: # This section defines labels and values for your buttons
label: Good # Literally what it will say on the button
color: green # color of the button
keyboardButton: "1" # has to be a string!
label: Bad
color: red
keyboardButton: "2"
label: Skip
keyboardButton: "3"
Grader supports Nintendo Joy-Con bluetooth controllers for simplified grading. Currently, there is no way to re-map buttons without code editing (/public/script.js).
Button map:
- 1 on keyboard is Y on Joy-Con, default label "Good"
- 2 on keyboard is X on Joy-Con, default label "Bad"
- 3 on keyboard is A on Joy-Con, default label "Skip"
- ` (backtick) on keyboard is B on Joy-Con, starts-stops TTS
It uses on-device text-to-speech engine through browser's accessibility standards, so it should work across devices and operating systems. To select the voice - select your system text-to-speech voice. It was tested on Apple iPhone.