
Support kubeconfig loader

Closed this issue · 20 comments

Just like python client here and here, we need to support loading kubeconfig both in cluster and outside of the cluster.

I have a solution that uses FFI to call the Go code for loading the kubeconfig, including auth plugin handling. I will open a PR when it's in a good enough shape.

@guoshimin Given that #15 was merged, is there any additional work that needs to go towards supporting the kubeconfig loaders?

Out of curiosity, what was the Go FFI stuff and does it still make sense to add it here?

Yeah we need to add support for the authentication methods in https://github.com/kubernetes/client-go/tree/master/plugin/pkg/client/auth, especially oidc, gcp, and exec. I was working on a solution that reuses the Go implementation via FFI, but was blocked by a Go bug (fixed now) and uncertainty around how to distribute that, since we would need to build some Go code. Alternatively we could also implement the logic in Haskell.

Hmm... I admit now that I look at the Go code I realize that the exec auth would be very useful for me, so FFI-ing out to it would be swell (especially if you already have some working code.

Can you post it in a gist, branch, etc. for me/others to take a look?

With respect to packaging, I stumbled upon this blog post whose example source code demonstrates a few ways of potentially solving the problem.

I have some code here: https://gitlab.com/guoshimin/kube-clientconfig

I haven't touched the code for a long time, it probably doesn't work out of the box.

I updated the code and tried using the exec plugin and it seems to work. @jkachmar If you think this is the route we should go down I'll clean up the code and try to merge it.

Awesome, thanks for bringing it up-to-date.

I've been trying to figure out how the distribution of this stuff might work and mostly been coming up blank.

If it's not too much effort to clean up the code and open a PR, maybe we could try to figure out a good way to package it up that Hackage is happy with.

So far, the only thing I can think of (and this feels like kind of an awful hack) is to have the Go code dynamically linked in, with all code using it put behind a feature flag.

Users would have to compile that code separately, ensure that the library is named correctly and on LD_LIBRARY_PATH , and enable the flag.

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I tried implementing the config loader in pure Haskell here: https://github.com/akshaymankar/eirini-route-emitter/blob/46acfc7af3106977047cd99cc1d9176f11c7714a/src/KubernetesExtras/Client.hs

However, the GCP and OIDC auth code is not the best because after the the token expires, the applyAuthMethod function has no way of caching the new token for future requests. This causes unnecessary extra calls to the auth provider.
Also, it might break the OIDC implementation, because according the spec, the auth server can return a new refresh token and make the old one invalid. It doesn't happen with the server I used for testing, but it is possible.

I think this can be solved by having a global over-writable cache like the Go implementation has, but I thought I should get opinions about it before writing potentially unsafe code. As I am fairly new to Haskell, I'd be grateful if somebody could point me to useful resources or just comment here.

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@akshaymankar Thanks for making the effort. I'm also nowhere close to being an expert. Just curious, is there anything holding you back from using an MVar or similar as the mutable cache?

Nothing really. I was going to try MVar anyways, but I thought I'd first fish for opinions here. I will try it and let y'all know if it goes well. In the meanwhile, if somebody has enough experience with them, opinions are welcome :)

@guoshimin I ended up using TVar from Control.Concurrent.STM, and there is no global state kept by the library itself. The caller of kubeClient is free to keep it globally if they wish to.

With that, I think the basic kubeconfig loader I wrote is usable. Would you be open to accepting that in the client? If yes, I am willing to move that code to the client and make a PR. Perhaps you can review my code here: https://github.com/akshaymankar/eirini-route-emitter/blob/master/src/KubernetesExtras/Client.hs.

@akshaymankar could you please open a PR with the implementation? I've did a bit of review, but it looks cumbersome to actually test how does it work due to various dependencies, and I hope a real PR will make it easier. Plus it will make it more visible for everyone else who want to review.

Yeah I was going to say that too. I took a quick look and it was more or less what I was expecting. Let's make a formal PR.

@erthalion @guoshimin and anybody else interested,
I have created a draft PR #51, please feel free to leave comments on it.

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Closing this as #51 is merged. Feel free to re-open if something is missing.


@akshaymankar: Closing this issue.

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Closing this as #51 is merged. Feel free to re-open if something is missing.


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