
git-sync with nfs-volume

ZackovichZ opened this issue · 10 comments

I'm trying to deploy git-sync using nfs-share, but for some reason when using this type of volume - the container crashes on startup


 apiVersion: apps/v1
 kind: Deployment
   name: dev-test
   namespace: test
       - env:
         - name: GITSYNC_REPO
           value: <any repo>
         - name: GITSYNC_REF
           value: master
         - name: GITSYNC_ROOT
           value: /git
         - name: GITSYNC_LINK
           value: www
         - name: GITSYNC_PERIOD
           value: 2s
           value: "1"
         - secretRef:
             name: git-env
         image: git-sync:v4.1.0
         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
         name: git-sync
         resources: {}
           readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
           runAsUser: 65533
         - mountPath: /git
           name: dir
         workingDir: /git
         fsGroup: 101
       - name: dir
           claimName: test-pvc

Error output:

{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-07 16:25:25.827325","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1155},"msg":"can't get repo toplevel","error":"Run(git rev-parse --show-toplevel): exit status 128: { stdout: \"\", stderr: \"fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git\" }","path":"/git"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-07 16:25:25.827405","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1079},"level":0,"msg":"repo directory was empty or failed checks","path":"/git"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-07 16:25:25.829354","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":784},"msg":"too many failures, aborting","error":"can't wipe unusable root directory: unlinkat /git/.snapshot: read-only file system","failCount":1}

I have no idea what this could be connected with. Other containers connect to nfs without problems. If I switch to vmware csi or emptydir - there are no errors.

Can anyone help with ?

Can you run with -v 6 and post logs?

Can you run with -v 6 and post logs?

Hi ! Did I understand correctly that it was necessary to do v=6 to create deployment?

I1108 10:27:12.952529 2764757 loader.go:374] Config loaded from file:  /root/.kube/config
I1108 10:27:13.019820 2764757 round_trippers.go:553] GET https://any_ip:6443/openapi/v2?timeout=32s 200 OK in 66 milliseconds
I1108 10:27:13.223116 2764757 round_trippers.go:553] GET https://any_ip:6443/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/test/deployments/dev-test 404 Not Found in 2 milliseconds
I1108 10:27:13.225027 2764757 round_trippers.go:553] GET https://any_ip:6443/api/v1/namespaces/test 200 OK in 1 milliseconds
I1108 10:27:13.231702 2764757 round_trippers.go:553] POST https://any_ip:6443/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/test/deployments?fieldManager=kubectl-client-side-apply&fieldValidation=Strict 201 Created in 6 milliseconds
deployment.apps/dev-test created
I1108 10:27:13.233515 2764757 apply.go:466] Running apply post-processor function

Perhaps I know what the reason is. NFS seems to create a hidden file that cannot be deleted, is it possible to force it to ignore a non-empty folder?

I meant to add -v 6 to the git-sync args.

As to the NFS having an unremovable file (which the -v 6 logs will show!) there is not currently an answer except to use a subdirectory of the volume. git-sync v3 used git clone which just could not work in this way. v4 MIGHT be able to tolerate it - I will have to do some digging.

{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.466130","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":593},"level":2,"msg":"created private gitconfig file","path":"/tmp/git-sync.gitconfig.373034938"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.466252","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1907},"level":5,"msg":"running command","cwd":"","cmd":"git config --global gc.autoDetach false"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.470862","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1907},"level":6,"msg":"command result","stdout":"","stderr":"","time":"4.536274ms"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.470922","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1907},"level":5,"msg":"running command","cwd":"","cmd":"git config --global gc.pruneExpire now"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.474800","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1907},"level":6,"msg":"command result","stdout":"","stderr":"","time":"3.820255ms"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.474859","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1907},"level":5,"msg":"running command","cwd":"","cmd":"git config --global credential.helper \"cache --timeout 3600\""}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.478735","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1907},"level":6,"msg":"command result","stdout":"","stderr":"","time":"3.792259ms"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.478935","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1907},"level":5,"msg":"running command","cwd":"","cmd":"git config --global core.askPass true"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.482996","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1907},"level":6,"msg":"command result","stdout":"","stderr":"","time":"3.832083ms"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.483044","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1907},"level":5,"msg":"running command","cwd":"","cmd":"git config --global safe.directory *"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.486971","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1907},"level":6,"msg":"command result","stdout":"","stderr":"","time":"3.737706ms"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.487045","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1776},"level":1,"msg":"setting up git SSH credentials"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.487138","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1578},"level":3,"msg":"syncing","repo":"https://<url>.git"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.487185","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1763},"level":1,"msg":"storing git credential","url":"https://<url>.git"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.487281","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1767},"level":5,"msg":"running command","cwd":"","cmd":"git credential approve"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.500747","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1767},"level":6,"msg":"command result","stdout":"","stderr":"","time":"13.390876ms"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.500806","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1071},"level":3,"msg":"repo directory exists","path":"/git"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.500829","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1143},"level":3,"msg":"sanity-checking git repo","repo":"/git"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.501888","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1154},"level":5,"msg":"running command","cwd":"/git","cmd":"git rev-parse --show-toplevel"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.505298","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1155},"msg":"can't get repo toplevel","error":"Run(git rev-parse --show-toplevel): exit status 128: { stdout: \"\", stderr: \"fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git\" }","path":"/git"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.505368","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1079},"level":0,"msg":"repo directory was empty or failed checks","path":"/git"}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.505755","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":1251},"level":4,"msg":"removing path recursively","path":"/git/.snapshot","isDir":true}
{"logger":"","ts":"2023-11-09 06:22:33.507331","caller":{"file":"main.go","line":784},"msg":"too many failures, aborting","error":"can't wipe unusable root directory: unlinkat /git/.snapshot: read-only file system","failCount":1}

I figured out that the problem was actually related to a hidden file created by the NFS server. We managed to hide this file and the container started working. If it is possible to resolve the issue of ignoring files in a directory within this thread, let's continue; if not, the issue can be closed. Thank you very much for your help!

Got a moment to play. v4 can survive this situation. Open questions:

  • Do we just not wipe it at all?
  • Do we take a flag indicating which files are allowed to fail wipe?
  • Do we just put the repo into a subdir?
  • How do I e2e (can't chattr as a user, and chmod 000 is overridden by the remove function) ?

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