A sidecar app which clones a git repo and keeps it in sync with the upstream.
- 00mjk
- akgitrep
- Bian-Sh深圳市瑞立视多媒体科技有限公司
- carlosal1015National University of Engineering
- cluo
- codeagencybeCode Agency
- dchen1107Google
- dunstontc
- eemailme
- eminugurkenar
- ericson-cepedaPicOrb
- girishkaleleBay Area
- gs-oss-bot
- ilanpillemerHardly Here
- imranansari
- jhcloos
- johnnykalani
- joyoyoyoyoyoHumana
- lfillmore0leo
- MohamedAhmed2022Self Employed (Freelancer)
- mostlyjae
- neutronthBangkok, Thailand
- nickshine@Splunk
- roberthbaileyGoogle, Inc.
- roscopecoltran
- stp-ip@okkur @rekkur
- sysbot@nvidia
- techfeed-github
- thockinGoogle
- webbrandonDevOps / Software Engineer
- willltf
- zmerlynnGoogle