
Use GCE load balancer controller with backend buckets

bowei opened this issue · 87 comments

bowei commented

From @omerzach on February 28, 2017 1:20

We're happily using the GCE load balancer controller in production to route traffic to a few different services. We'd like to have some paths point at backend buckets in Google Cloud Storage instead of backend services running in Kubernetes.

Right now if we manually create this backend bucket and then configure the load balancer to point certain paths at it the UrlMap is updates appropriately but almost immediately reverted to its previous setting, presumably because the controller sees it doesn't match the YAML we initially configured the Ingress with.

I have two questions:

  1. Is there any immediate workaround where we could continue using the Kubernetes controller but manually modify the UrlMap to work with a backend bucket?
  2. Would a pull request to add support for backend buckets in the load balancer controller be something the community is interested in? We're willing to invest engineering effort into this, though none of our team has experience with Go or the Kubernetes codebase so we might need a bit of guidance.

(For some context, we'd like to do something like this: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/load-balancing/http/using-http-lb-with-cloud-storage)

Copied from original issue: kubernetes/ingress-nginx#353

bowei commented

From @bprashanth on March 7, 2017 3:39

I don't think there's an immediate work around, as the controller will construct a url map based on your ingress and sync it continuously.

Something that says: serve static content for these paths from a content cache backed by [S3, GCS, memory etc] sounds like a good idea. We should allow GCE L7 x in-memory cache, but for the first cut we might get away with a simple boolean on the HTTPIngressPath (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/pkg/apis/extensions/types.go#L685). We'd have to assume GCS and allocates a private bucket if the Ingress is a GCE lb.

Maybe we should fork into another issue that tackles how we enable CDN on Ingress, and figure out the api part first? @nicksardo @thockin

bowei commented

From @ConradIrwin on March 29, 2017 22:16

@nicksardo thanks for picking this up!

I'd also like to be able to proxy certain paths to CloudStorage — let me know if you want a sounding board for design decisions.

bowei commented

From @bbzg on April 30, 2017 8:14

This would be very useful for us. Has there been any progress since March?

bowei commented

From @thockin on May 1, 2017 4:16

As far as I know, nobody is looking at this right now. What I don't want
to do is make Ingress a proxy-API for all of GCLB..

On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 1:15 AM, bbzg notifications@github.com wrote:

This would be very useful for us. Has there been any progress since

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bowei commented

From @ConradIrwin on May 1, 2017 4:50

Tim. The ingress API is very convenient, but I see your argument. Would it make more sense to make it a GCLB "controller" instead?Sent via SuperhumanOn Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 9:16 PM, Tim Hockinnotifications@github.comwrote:As far as I know, nobody is looking at this right now. What I don't want
to do is make Ingress a proxy-API for all of GCLB..

On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 1:15 AM, bbzg notifications@github.com wrote:

This would be very useful for us. Has there been any progress since

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bowei commented

From @thockin on May 1, 2017 5:7

I'm not sure. It could go a couple ways.

We could clearly denote where our controller will revert manual changes and
where it won't, so you could make these changes manually (or by other
controller). We could consider additional annotations for this, but it is
a slippery slope. Other ideas?

On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 9:50 PM, Conrad Irwin notifications@github.com

Tim. The ingress API is very convenient, but I see your argument. Would it
make more sense to make it a GCLB "controller" instead?Sent via
SuperhumanOn Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 9:16 PM, Tim Hockin<
notifications@github.com>wrote:As far as I know, nobody is looking at
this right now. What I don't want
to do is make Ingress a proxy-API for all of GCLB..

On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 1:15 AM, bbzg notifications@github.com wrote:

This would be very useful for us. Has there been any progress since

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bowei commented

From @ConradIrwin on May 1, 2017 5:18

I'd be happy with a less magic API between the two — i.e. I could manually configure a load balancer if kubernetes gave me a backend I could point it to (or maybe just an instance-group + port?)Sent via SuperhumanOn Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 10:07 PM, Tim Hockinnotifications@github.comwrote:I'm not sure. It could go a couple ways.

We could clearly denote where our controller will revert manual changes and
where it won't, so you could make these changes manually (or by other
controller). We could consider additional annotations for this, but it is
a slippery slope. Other ideas?

On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 9:50 PM, Conrad Irwin notifications@github.com

Tim. The ingress API is very convenient, but I see your argument. Would it
make more sense to make it a GCLB "controller" instead?Sent via
SuperhumanOn Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 9:16 PM, Tim Hockin<
notifications@github.com>wrote:As far as I know, nobody is looking at
this right now. What I don't want
to do is make Ingress a proxy-API for all of GCLB..

On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 1:15 AM, bbzg notifications@github.com wrote:

This would be very useful for us. Has there been any progress since

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bowei commented

From @gcbirzan on July 20, 2017 13:58

As a workaround for this issue, wouldn't not touching rules that kubernetes cannot create (i.e. those not pointing to a backend service, but to a bucket) be okay?

As a side note, we had this working on 1.6.x, but after upgrading it started removing the extra rules in the url map...

bowei commented

From @c3s4r on July 26, 2017 22:24

Any updates on this? Is it scheduled? Is there a timeline? ... Since I want the content served using https, right now the only workaround I can think on is to manually create another load balancer (not using ingress) just for the static content, which I don't like because it adds the cost of an additional load balancer :(

bowei commented

From @lostpebble on July 29, 2017 10:16

Just coming across this now after finishing setting up backend buckets for our system...

This is a major set back for us trying to set up static file routes alongside our server backends. I agree with @gcbirzan that perhaps the load balancer should be updated for the values that Kubernetes can control rather than replaced wholly (and in the process removing GCP-specific rules).

Right now things feel too flaky to rely on backend buckets for static file serving, if when we update the configuration we might lose those pathways and return bad requests.

Huge pity because the CDN and load bearing capabilities the backend buckets could afford us is a major asset to our system.

bowei commented

From @jakobholmelund on September 27, 2017 13:35

Any news on this ?

Would be also really interested in this feature! we could really need that.

Would there be maybe a possibility to use maye a ignore pattern and the possibility to use a existing load balancer? Then there could be existing url_maps maps ignored (if told in the ingress) same as other existing backends for example. This could also solve the CDN Problem. Then you configure Google Cloud Stuff individually without adding everything in kubernetes.

+1 this would be very useful. Current workaround is to use a regular old loadbalancer.

+1 waiting this feature

fstn commented


You can achieve this by configuring the K8 load-balancing manually as opposed to using an NGINX ingress. Assuming your services are deployed NodePort with a static nodePort indicated in the ports object (the tcp:30000-40000 range seems to be where they go by default and is a good rule to follow), you will need to:

  • create a load balancer instance
  • create a firewall rule that allows traffic from and to the K8 instance group
  • create a backend service against the K8 instance group, pointing to whatever nodePort you specified above
  • not forget a health check

For incoming TLS, create a Kubernetes secret of a cert and assign as per https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/load-balancing/tcp-ssl

@zvozin I think you can set the NodePort to something static in the service descriptor - which should make this setup a little more solid.

I'm pretty much doing the same on my side, seems to be working quite well. And even though I'm not setting the NodePort statically as I should yet, it seems to be remembering them on full cluster resets.

Here are some notes I made during the process last time:

Linking NodePort service to the GCE Load Balancer

  • Create the Service with NodePort
  • Check the port number in kubernetes UI
  • Create a health check for that port number e.g. HTTP 31331
    • Also set the url that the health check should hit like /_ah/health
    • Set timeout to something fair, like 4 seconds and the interval to something depending on how critical the service is
  • After all that go the the Load Balancers area in Network Services
    • Click on “Advanced menu”, it’s small at the bottom (not the “Backends” menu at the top)
    • In advanced, go to “Back-end Services”
    • Create a new Backend Service
      • Set the named port to “port#####” e.g. “port31331”
      • Set the backend to the correct instance group
      • Set the port number there to the NodePort -> e.g. 31331
      • Max RPS is 1 RPS “for group”
      • Choose the health check that you just created
  • Create the backend
  • Open a firewall rule for the backend (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42040238/how-to-expose-nodeport-to-internet-on-gce) - make sure the rule is on the network you're using in GCE if it's not the default
  • Now you can select it in the regular Load Balancer edit interface and link to it as you please

Thanks @lostpebble, although setting up HTTPs on top of this would be too cumbersome if possible at all. I'm currently looking at https://github.com/PalmStoneGames/kube-cert-manager and https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/ looks like they rely on Ingress created with k8s. I hope this is fixed at GKE level soon.

HTTPS is really easy to add via the GCLB, you just upload the certificate and apply it. https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/load-balancing/http/#creating_a_cross-region_load_balancer

@scottefein not very practical with Let's Encrypt certs that expire every 3 months, especially for multiple domains. Tools that automate certificate renewals based on existing Ingress resources are very useful, but this workflow breaks because of the Ingress/GCS bucket incompatibility issue.

@explicitcall: certbot-auto renew, more ____ | base64 > secret.yaml, kubectl replace -f secret.yaml. Step #2 obviously requires templating, which should also be un-hard.

Hi @zvozin, I'm confused. Do you mind telling me that what does NodePort has to do with GCS static file serving?

Any news on this one?

@olala7846 - Google Load Balancer knows how to serve static files out of a bucket.

It sounds like a few people are suggesting working around this by moving load balancing outside of k8s control and fixing services to static node ports. I'm reminded of the joke where a guy goes to the doctor and says "Doc my hand hurts when I make a fist" and doc says "Well then stop doing that!" I'm not sure what it is we should stop doing though.
I'd prefer a temporary solution where k8s simply refrains from blowing away externally applied load balancing rules. (since that's the behavior I'd expect)

gkop commented

Those of you all using Google's L7 load balancer in front of GKE, how do you do your maintenance mode? We had been pointing our ingress-provisioned load balancer default backend at a GCS bucket and it worked great during same maintenance windows in December and January. But tried to do a maintenance mode tonight and it did not go well :( At first I thought it was when we updated our deployments that caused k8s to switch our LB back from the bucket to the cluster in the middle of maintenance, so I set it back manually again. But then k8s switched it back again seemingly out of nowhere. Presently I would really highly discourage anyone from trying to accomplish maintenance mode this way, as k8s apparently really wants to stomp the LB default backend.

Hey @gkop — we actually just went through this, and ended up deciding to just deploy a dummy version of the service that returned a maintenance page (our experience has also been that twiddling with the ingress settings is a super bad idea).

why is this still not implemented? :(

I'm also waiting on Cloud Storage Bucket support in Ingress-GCE

+1, is there an officially recommended approach until this issue is addressed?

After spending a lot of time on this, I found a way to use GCS backends and fix is not to use Ingress.

Kubernetes NodePort services allows us to use any port in 30000-32767 range. Instead of using GCE or nginx Ingress, you can provision the LB using Terraform and set your backends as either GCS based Backend Buckets or GKE based Backend Services.

You'll also need to use "Port name mapping" in Instance Group created for GKE instances. In summary:

  • Provision GKE cluster with Terraform
  • Update "Port name mappings" using Terraform to match the NodePorts you use with k8s
  • Deploy your services with k8s and not use Ingress

Hope this helps!

@bfarayev I use the same in production (actually provisioning w/ Google Deployment manager with jinja, not terraform)
this is so wrong. Somebody fix the ingress-gce please :(

My experience was that Google Cloud CDN + Storage + Kubernates is currently impossible. For this purpose (for static resources) I'm using another CDN and not the Google Cloud crap (totally inflexible and expensive). So i configured my DNS to route cdn. to CDN Provider and CDN Provider maps it to storage.googleapis.com/. But it's still impossible using Buckets without CDN or additional proxy. You need at least nginx pod as proxy.

Hey there - thanks for maintaining ingress-gce :-)

I just wanted to chime in and say that I've also just hit this and used the NodePort workaround. I think it's fine for a one-off but it's fairly burdensome as a general approach. So +1 to integrating this into the ingress GCE controller!

+1, would be helpful to me as well to serve static content directly.

+1 to this. My frontend load balancer is the only piece of my stack not fully automated. Would love to see this feature!

+1 on this feature. We need Google Backend bucket support for serving some static pages. Is this feature on road map at all?

+1. I'm getting the TLS cert for the static website onto the ingress load balancer through cert-manager (https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager) so I'd like to reach the bucket directly from there.

bbzg commented

Now that there is a BackendConfig CRD, and i see issues for FrontendConfig CRD as well, configuring a bucket served through a load balancer might fit into one of those? Really rooting for this feature 🥇

+1. I just realized that this can not be done!!

+1 we want to migrate some memory intensive resources, like our sitemap, to cloud storage but currently have no easy way to serve it from the same domain. This would be really helpful.

Any news on this? Wanted to add a backend bucket and noticed that didn't work.

One way I worked around this is by grabbing the backend service created by ingress-gce and attaching it to another load balancer (which, being out of reach for ingress-gce, we can safely add any backend buckets to). See an example here. The method of course leaves us with an extra unused load balancer, but I guess that could be cleaned up manually.

Really looking forward to a neater way to set this up and avoid any workarounds though!

This is a complete showstopper for me, thanks for the workarounds people. Will make use of some of these.

I wouldn't say it's a complete showstopper, but it's an inconvenience.

As an alternative for the NodePort service you could look at Network Endpoint Groups, which also give you the benefit of container native network. Beware though that this feature is currently in beta: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/standalone-neg

I wouldn't say it's a complete showstopper, but it's an inconvenience.

As an alternative for the NodePort service you could look at Network Endpoint Groups, which also give you the benefit of container native network. Beware though that this feature is currently in beta: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/standalone-neg

Can you explain how this is an alternative to buckets? I am already making use of NEG and container native networking.

I am using Terraform for much of my additional GCP resource control, which also doesn't support NEG properly. I have to provision an additional backend, assign buckets and then drop out to BASH to find the correct backends which ingress-gce has created and attach them to my new Load Balancer. Its a bit messy and not ideal...

I did not say it was an alternative to buckets, I said it was an alternative for the NodePort service that was mentioned earlier.
You still need to setup the load balancer yourself, without Ingress, but you can point it to a Network Endpoint Group instead of your cluster with a specific port.

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I'm interested in defining LB→Bucket in K8s too… Currently trying to add GCP Storage bucket as backend by hand causes to remove it by K8s controller anyway in a few minutes.

BackendConfig CRD does not seem to resolve this problem, as it can't configure Storage bucket anyway :/

this should go into a feature request and be implemented as soon as possible. simple task of maintaining some files becomes a nuisance and like folks said before, a showstopper

bowei commented

/lifecycle frozen

Any update on this?

Would also be really interested seeing this implemented in the controller


+1. Just came across this issue. Would love to see buckets integrated

Hey, how is it going with this one? Seems to be a very common usecase.

I know that there's a kind of example here but does anyone have an actual working example for use on the GCP regular release channel?
The thing that I don't understand and I could find no documentation on is what the apiGroup is supposed to be.

Anyone having success configuring this?

Even though Kubernetes v1 Ingress adds the ability to specify backends other than services the GCE Ingress controller does not support this.

@swetharepakula do you know if it's planned and what's the timeline?

Even though Kubernetes v1 Ingress adds the ability to specify backends other than services the GCE Ingress controller does not support this.

Thanks for the response. I've since learned about the gateways API too which actually seems to be a much better fit for what we want to do. It looks like it's going to be a long time until we can use it.

Any news on this now that 1.22 is available in GKE?

bowei commented

Hi all, while the backend references has been generalized, we need a K8s resource representation for buckets. There has been some work in the storage sig around a portable backend bucket representation which is one option, although that will take time to converge.

The other choice would be a CRD that is specific to GCP representing a reference to a bucket. It is a somewhat strange object as it is purely a reference, so we have to think carefully about the semantics around the object.

Sorry for spam, just wanted to mention for completeness that Service of type ExternalName also doesn't work in this case. Otherwise, it could provide a simple workaround by pointing the service to your bucket's domain name (after configuring it for static hosting).

+1 for this

k725 commented


+1, would be very useful to serve both static (bucket) content and dynamic (service content) under one load balancer without it being overwritten by ingress.

+1, would be very useful to serve both static (bucket) content and dynamic (service content) under one load balancer without it being overwritten by ingress.

+1 would be great to see this kind of feature.
Wouldn't it be possible to leverage GKE config-connector capability in backend references of ingresses ? To have something like :

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: ingress-resource-backend
      apiGroup: storage.cnrm.cloud.google.com
      kind: StorageBucket
      name: my-bucket
    - http:
          - path: /icons
            pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                apiGroup: storage.cnrm.cloud.google.com
                kind: StorageBucket
                name: my-bucket

With the introduction of the Gateway API, we will look to add this functionality with Gateway.

I'm not entirely sure this 5+ year ticket being closed with "maybe we'll do it somewhere" warrants a completed status.

Sorry, for the confusion. This was meant to be closed as not planned.

Is there a ticket tracking the addition of this in the Gateway API? If not, @swetharepakula are you open to creating one w/ a timeline of when it can be added in the Gateway API? I understand why this ticket was closed, but the functionality is still very useful to have.

It seems the Ingress only accepts Service and other custom resources such as ComputeBackendBucket are not accepted.