Plugin to Velero which automates backing up and restoring KubeVirt/CDI objects
- 0
Pre-backup hook fails due to missing compute container in unstable virt-launcher pods
#319 opened by sshende-catalogicsoftware - 4
vmi ownerRef could also be vmirs and vmpools
#270 opened by BAMSHK - 3
Ability to power on/off vm during restore
#294 opened by 30787 - 16
MAC address conflict when restoring a virtual machine to alternate namespace
#199 opened by esteban-ee - 3
Provide a configuration that allows velero backups to be successful with excluded pvc/datavolume
#259 opened by 30787 - 4
Add multiarch/ARM64 support
#256 opened by e3b0c442 - 4
VirtualMachineClone during Restore either fails to restore or triggers cloning process again
#242 opened by msfrucht - 7
Please reopen issue 117
#213 opened by 27149chen - 1
Adding freeze operations for vm
#266 opened by BAMSHK - 5
- 3
Restore fails after label-based backup due to missing instancetype `ControllerRevision`
#258 opened by e3b0c442 - 2
Backup data upload fails with `data path backup failed: Failed to run kopia backup: unable to get local block device entry: resolveSymlink: lstat /var/lib/kubelet: no such file or directory`
#257 opened by e3b0c442 - 4
- 0
How to logout/exit from VM
#225 opened by Nilesh1206 - 6
The PV, PVC and DV of the virtual machine are backed up in the velero restic mode, and problems occur during the restore
#117 opened by UltimateJava - 1
Questions to enable the kubevirt-velero-plugin
#205 opened by kannanvr - 4
qemu-guest-agent is offline after VM restoration using Kubevirt Velero Plugin and hence unable to log into the restored VM
#109 opened by suji007 - 4
Velero 1.9 CSI/volumesnapshot problems
#96 opened by brybacki - 9
Cannot backup Paused VM, virt freezer fails:
#68 opened by brybacki - 6
- 0
Backup fail if specify includeResources
#132 opened by lxs137 - 4
- 5
- 7
Kubevirt 0.49 support
#54 opened by kaovilai - 6
[Flaky test] KubeVirt Velero Plugin.Resource excludes Exclude label [smoke] Standalone VMI VMI included, Pod excluded: should succeed if VM is paused
#57 opened by brybacki - 5
- 4
Handle DataVolumes that are not finished
#56 opened by brybacki - 6
#51 opened by kaovilai - 4
USE CDI bundled with kubevirtci
#37 opened by brybacki - 8
- 4
- 4
- 1
Describe plugins
#24 opened by brybacki - 3
Make the plugin releasable
#7 opened by brybacki - 4